PARISH MAGAZINE NOVEMBER, 1905. CHURCH BAZAAR. A meeting of the Lady Stallholders of the. recent Church Bazaar was held in the Church House cm Friday afternoon, the 20th ult., when a large number of ladies interested in the Bazaar attended. The Rector presided, and Mr Nathan 0. Jones, the treasurer, was also pre¬ sent. The Rector congratulated all present on their successful work, and thanked them all for their excellent efforts, and then stated that the Finance Committee had finished their work and had adopted the balance sheet, which had been audited, and also the circular letter which would be issued to! all the stallholders and other workers. The treasurer (Mr N. O. Jones) read the balance sheet, and explained the various items, and alter they had been considered, it was proposed by Mrs Dal'ton and seconded by Mrs Walker that the balance sheet as audited be adopted. This was carried unanimously. The Rector referred to what was so well- known tcl everyone interested in the Eazaar the great services, so cheerfully and willingly given, of the treasurer, Mr Nathan Jones, who worked so indefatigably to ensure its success, and also to the members of the different com¬ mittees. On the motion of Mrs Peers, seconded by Mrs Henderson, a vote of thanks to the treasurer was unanimously passed. In accordance with a previous resolution, it was proposed by Mus Lorriman, and seconded by Miss Marston that the sum of £45 be set apart for the Mission Working Party, out of which to pay the grants annually made to Home and Foreign Missions and for the coming winter's work. This was carried unanimously. On the motion of Mrs Dalton, seconded by Mis Lorriman, a vote of thanks was passed to the Rector for presiding over their meetings and for his work in connection with the Bazaar. The circular letter and balance sheet issued to the Lady Stallholders and workers are as follows:— The Committee have great pleasure in pre¬ senting the balance sheet of the Church Bazaar, held in the Town Hall, Llandudno, on the 21st, -22nd, and 23rd of September last, which has been duly audited. The gross re¬ ceipts from fhie Bazaar amount to £607 3s. 2d., and the donations, a list elf which is gi?en herewith, amount to £255 5s. 0d., raising the gross total to £862 8s. 2d. The expense of the Bazaar and Entertainments amount to £98 2s. 10d., leaving the net receipts from the Bazaar £509 0s. 4d., and the net total receipts £764 5s. 4d. According to .the arrangements made with tha members of the Ladies Mission Working Party, when the Bazaar was organised, to fore¬ go their annual sale, the sum of £40 will be handed over to them for distribution among the Home and Foreign Missionary Societies!, and also a small donation for providing materials for the coming winter's work. The remainder of the amount realised by the Bazaar will be given towards the objects, stated in the announcements. For the valuable help which you contributed to ensure this very satisfactory result the Committee desire to offer their best thanks, and they will be grateful if you will be so good as to convey their thanks alsa to those of your friends who kindly assisted you. BALANCE SHEET. RECEIPTS. £ s. d. Stall A.—The Hon Mrs Henry Mostyn, Mrs Llewelyn Hughes, Mrs Stones, The Misses William¬ son, Mrs and Miss Nathan Jones ............68 8 6 Stall .—Mrs John Walker and Miss Walker ............. 55 0 0 Stall C—Mrs Howard Lorriman ... 80 2 3 Stall D.—Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Peers 59 14 4 Stall E.—Mrs Roberts and the Misses Roberts (Huyton) ...... 66 10 0 Stall F.—Mrs Henderson, Mrs Penny, Miss Buckley, Miss Price, Miss Watterscn ...... 27 16 10 Stall G.—The Misses Marston...... 55 14 6 Stall H.—Mrs and the Misses Brown, Miss Bamford......... -* 3 0 Stall J.—Mrs James Smith ...... 11 5 0 Stall K — The Misses Conway, Mrs Dee 24 7 3 Tea Stall.—Mrs Dalton and the Misses Dalton......... 25 6 11 Refreshment and Supper Stall.—Mrs Shad Roberts. Mrs Barrow, Mrs Timms ......• ... 18 5 4 Sweet Stall.—Miss Waring ...... 12 3 4 Cigar and Cigarette Stall.—Misses Margetts ............5 18 10 Post Card Exhibition.—Mr F. Edge ... 7 11 9 Juvenile Amateur Entertainment.— Misses Roberts and Cooper 12 5 0