PARISH MAGAZINE OCTOBER 1905. THE BAZAAR. The Bazaar in aid of the Fund required for the Heating, Ventilating and Re-Rooifing of Holy Trinity Church and other Church objects in the Parish was held as announced oaa the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd of last month, and full accounts of it have already appeared in the public Press. The unanimous verdict is that it was a great success, and best thanks are offered to all who worked so faithfully and cheerfully for a long time to bring about the successful aissue. The stallholders worked for nearly a whole year, and the work provided was excellent. The mem¬ bers of the Committees worked with a good will when their time came, and afll classes from the most influential to the humbler were present at some' time or other while it was open. The entertainments shewed great skill, and were all well attended. To! thank those who contributed by name' is, we fear, impraoti- cable, as so many assisted in various ways. As small amounts have yet to be paid in and the expenses have not been paid, it is impossible to issue a full balance sheet this month, but a meeting of the stallholders will be called as soon as the Finance Committee have the accounts in order, but it gives us great pleasure to state that as we go to press, i.e., Friday evening, September 29th, the amount received from all sources, including the donations of £245 5s., stands at the handsme gross total of £843 9s. lid., i.e., without deducting any of the expenses. * * * HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICES. /r. BEUNO, Wednesday October 4th.—7 p.m.. Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, Rev. R. Owen, B .A., Vicar of Bagillt. ST. GEORGE'S PARISH CHURCH, Thurs¬ day, October 5th.—8 a.m., Holy Communion <English). 10 a.m., Holy Communion and Ser¬ mon (Welsh). Preacher, Rev R Owen, B.A., Vicar of Bagillt. 11 30 a.m., Matins and Sermon (English). Preacher, Rev. J. Thomson Jones, M.A, Vicar of Towyn, Abergele. 7 p,m, Rev J. Thomson Joness M.A, Vicar of Towyn, Abergele. 7 p.m., Evensong and Sermon (Welsh). Preacher, Rev R Owen, B.A., Vicar of Bagillt. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, Thursday, October 5th.—8 a.m., Holy Communion. 11 a.m., Matins and Sermon. Preacher, Rev. H. L. James, M.A, RectoT of Llangefni, 7 p.m., Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, the Rev. J Thomson Jones, M.A, Vicar of Towyn, Abergele. ST. TUDNO, Thursday, October 5th.—3 p.m., Evensong and Sermcn. Preacher, the Rev. H. L. James, M.A., Rector of Llangefni BODAFON, Friday, October 6th.—Evensong and Sermon at 7. Preacher, Rev. R. Jones, M.A, Rector of Gyffin. The Offertory will be given in aid of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Contributions towards the decoration of the Churches will be gladly received, also help in decorating. * * * On Tuesday, the 26th of last month, Mrs Sherratt, the wife of Mr D. Sherratt, of Pen- rhyn Crescent, passed away after a long and painful iLness, at the age of 62. Mrs SheTratt was a devoted member of the Church, and always anxious to do all she could to promote its welfare and to help forward all good work. She was buried on Friday (St. Michael's Day) iii the Cemetery, Chester. We join with their many friends in the expression of cur sym¬ pathy in their affliction with her husband and children, whose tender devotion during the very trying illness cf their loved one has been very marked.—R.I.P.