PARISH MAGAZINE AUGUST, 1905. BAZAAR. The time for holding the Church Bazaar i.e. 21st, 22nd and 23rd of next month, is drawing near, and the lady stallholders, and the various committees are hard at work with their preparations." The stalls will be erected under the superintendence of Mr. Edwin Turner, architect, and it is also proposed to have two marquees for entertainments and refreshments in the spacious courtyard adjoining the Town Hall. The Picture Postcard Exhibition will be held in the Council Room by the kind permission of the Council. The help of all friends is olicited in order to make the Bazaar a success. * * * A meeting will be held in the grounds of Trinity Church (weather permitting, if wet in the Church House) on behalf of the Universities Mission to Central Africa, towards the end of the month, the date will be announced later. The Rev. F. R. Hodgson, M.A., formerly Archdeacon of Zanzibar will give an account of the Mission work in Central. Africa, which is one of the most interesting and encouraging chap¬ ters in missionary work. Tea will be provided for those who are present and a collection will be made lor the work of the society. * * * PRESENTATIOV. The presentation to the Rev. Robt. Williams, B.A., and Mrs. Williams on their leaving Llandudno was made in the Church House on Thursday evening the 6th ult. The Rector presided, and in addition to his remarks, addresses expressing their good will were delivered by Messrs. Chamberlain, Johnson. Horrsby, Lucking, Barnett, Evans, Con¬ way (churchwarden), Dr. Dalton, the other churchwarden, wrote expressing his regret at not being able to be present. Mr. Nathan Jones, who acted as hon. sec. gave a statement of the amounts collected and the amounts paid for the various articles of presentation; after the various speakers had expressed their appreciation of the work done by Mr. Williams and their good wishes for the future of himselt and family, Mrs. Hughes, the Rectory, was asked to make the presentation, who handed to Mr. Williams a purse containing ^111 is. od. and to Mrs Williams was presented an oak writing desk and three handsome chairs and also an album in which were the names of the subscribers beautifully engrossed by Mr. Morrison. The total amount collected was ^120 12s. 7a., and through Mr. Nathsn Jones' excellent management all the expenses of every kind only amounted to £1 16s. id. Mr. Williams in an appropriate address expressed his gratitude and appreciation of the kindness shown him, not only on that occasion, but at all times during his stay in Llandudno. Mr. Williams was inducted to his new Rectory by the Ven. Archdeacon of Bangor on Thursday evening, the 27th of last month, and we hope he will enjoy a successful and happy career. * * * CHURCH OF ENGLAND WAIFS AND STRAYS SOCIETY. A meeting on behalf of the Church of England Waifs and Strays Society was held in the Town Hall, on Friday, the 7th of last month, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. E. W. Johnson presided, and delivered a very effective address on the object of the society. The society