PARISH' MAGAZINE JULY, 1905. THE CHURCH DAY SCHOOL. It is with pleasure that we give the reports of the Diocesan Inspector, the Rev. A. 0. Evans, B.A., on the Church Day Schools of the parish for the past year. The reports reflect much credit upon the masters and mistresses. 1. CHURCH WALKS SCHOOL, under the charge of Mr Hornsby. " There were 225 children present, which number shows an increase of 4 on that of last year, and that 27 were absent There are 14 children withdrawn from all religious in¬ struction. This school passed; a mostl satisfactory ex¬ amination throughout. I was specially pleased with the repetition which had been most correctly learnt and was well enunciated. Misses Smith and Williams will be recom¬ mended for a certificate. The pupils won 112 certificaties. 2 INFANTS' SCHOOL, CHURCH WALKS, under the charge of Miss Bamford:— " There were 64- children present, which number shows a decrease of 8 on that of last year, and that 36 were absent. There are 8 children withdrawn from all religious in¬ struction. The improvement which was noticed^ in the second class was well maintained and fhe children acquitted themselves well. The best work was founded in the First class, where the answering was more general. The intelligent answers obtained told of the care and skill of the teachers. The school passed a most creditable examination." The pupils won 33 certificates!. 3. ST. BEUNO'S INFANT SCHOOL, under the charge, of Mts Boole: — ' There were 54 children present , which shews a decrease of 2 as compared with last year, and that 14 were absent). On the day of my visit the school was under the charge of a temporary mistress. In spite of the change in staff, the rea-iy and intelligent answers of the little ones shewed that the religious instructione had been faith¬ fully and skilfully carried on. The repetition was extremely good and the subject matter was fairly well understood^ The school passed a very good examination." Twenty-five certificates were gained. 4. BODAFON SCHOOL, under tihe charge of Mr Stephens:— " There were 151 children present, which number shows an increase of 23 on that of last year, and that 17 were absent. The frequent closing of the school on account of epidemics among thie«hd]|dren during the past year had told somewhat on the general effi¬ ciency of the school. The answering was neither so ready nor so general as at former visits. I was glad to find on the other hand that the repetition of the catechism was quite up to the standard of last year; the words had been well learnt and the subject matter well grasped. In spite of the size of the Infant Class the work was very satisfactory, and is on the whole intelligently conducted. The num¬ ber of texts taught was a pleasing feature. Tone and discipline throughout the school were ex¬ cellent." The pupils won 61 certificates. * * * As the result of the Ladies' Choir concert arranged by Miss Hensler, reported in, our last issue, the total receipts were £13 19s. 4d., and the expenses £6 8s. 2d., leaving a balance of £7 lis. 2d., which Miss Hensler has kindly handed to the Rector towards Sunday School and Choir expenses. We again tender her our best thanks for her good work in this matter. * * * ORGAN RECITAL. On Tuesday, July 18th, Mr T. Westlake- Morgan, the organist of Bangor Cathedral, will give an organ recital in Holy Trinity Church at 5.30 in the afternoon. There will be a col¬ lection taken for the Choir fund. A few! days