PARISH MAGAZINE JUNE, 1905. ARCHDEACON'S VISIT. The Ven. John Morgan, M.A., Arch¬ deacon of Bangor, held the Archdeacon's court for the admission of churchwardens and sidesmen to their respective .offices, in the Church House, on the 5th ult. The •court was held at 6 p.m., which was fol¬ lowed by a service in Holy Trinity Church. At the service the Archdeacon preached a very effective sermon, bearing on the duties and responsibilities of church officers and church workers. After the service those who were admitted into office met for the annual dinner in Moon's Hotel, the Archdeacon and Clergy being also present. After dinner several mat¬ ters in connection with the parish were discussed, and a pleasant evening was spent, * * * PROMOTION OF THE REV. R, WILLIAMS. It gives us great pleasure to congratu¬ late the Rev. Robert Williams, B.A., upon his appointment as Rector of Llanbedr-y- Cenin, to which living he has been pro¬ moted by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. After a successful early career Mr Wil¬ liams was appointed tothei curacy of Llan¬ dudno nine years ago, and at once threw himself with much enthusiasm into the work of the parish. It is unnecessary to dilate in this place on his good work and sood qualities, for perhaps there is no one in Llandudno who is personally so well- known to so great a number of inhabit¬ ants ; and during the past nine years there is hardly a movement for good work with which he has not in some capacity or other been connected, and his parochial work has been done without neglecting his studies, for of late years he has proved himself to be one of thei most proficient and successful students in Welsh litera¬ ture. Mr and Mrs Williams will take with them the best wishes of manv friends at Llandudno and elsewhere to their new home, and we wish them, and their chil¬ dren all possible happiness and success in their new sphere. * * * COTTAGE! HOSPITAL. The anniversary service of the Sarah Nicol Memorial Cottage Hospital will be held in the central hall at the hospital on Tuesday, June 27th, at 3 p.m. The Rector has promised to give the address. The friends of the hospital will be glad to learn that this excellent institution has had i another legacy amounting this time* to £10,000, which will be a great encourage¬ ment to the supporters to continue their good work, which is a blessing to so many J of thosei who suffer or arei overtaken by j injuries through accidents in the district. * * * G.F.S. The Girls' Friendly Society held their annual Festival on Wednesday, the 24th of last month. By the kindness of the Hon. Mrs Henry Mostyn, they were in¬ vited to spend the afternoon at Bodys- j * gallen. The members, about 90 in num¬ ber, gladly availed themselves of the pleasure. The festival service was held in Llanrhos Church, when an appropriate address was delivered by the Rev. F. G. Jones. After the service they proceeded to Bcdysgallen, where they were hos¬ pitably entertained to tea, etc., and re¬ turned in the evening greatly pleased with their outing. * * * CHURCH WAIFS AND STRAYS SOCIETY. The Rev. Philip Rees preached on Sun- day, the 28th of last month, in St. George's Church, in the morning, and in