PARISH MAGAZINE AVAY, 1905. CONFIRMATION. The Lord Bishop of the Diocese held a confirmation service in Holy Trinity- Church on Monday, the 10th of last month, when the, following candidates from this parish were confirmed: — Frank Boole-, Percival Stanley Boole, "William Thomas Coburn, William Arthur Davies, Sydney Haslock, William Her¬ bert Lester, John Addison Roberts, John Tipton, William Williams, Mildred Irene Bennett, Georgina Elizabeth Blanchard, Ethel Sarah Brown, Katie Davies, Isabel Bethia Edgell, Alice Hamilton, Florence Gladys Annie Hodson, Nellie Hughes, Daisy McNeill, Cecile Gwendoline Morris, Beatrice Kelling Owen, Louisa Caroline Owen, Frances May Owers, Hester Hal- lam Poggi, Vera Prances Poggi, Alice May Raingill, Mary Lucas Wallace, Catherine Rawlings, Mary Turner. * * *** GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER DAY SERVICES. It is gratifying to record the increased attendances at the Good Friday and Easter Day Services which was manifest this year. The Three Hours' Service on Good Friday at Holy Trinity Church was conducted by the Rev. W. Morgan, vicar of St. Anne's, whose impressive and help¬ ful addresses were listened to with mani¬ fest attention. On Easter Day there were exceptionally large congregations even for Easter, and also a very large number of communicants. The circumstances this year were specially favourable, the day falling late and: the National Union of Teachers, whose conference was held on the following days, evidently brought a large proportion of consistent Church- people, a fact which we very gratefully record. * * * EASTER DECORATIONS. The Churches were decorated for Easter as follows: — ST. GEORGE.—Altai- Rails, Mrs LI. Hughes, assisted by Miss Felton, Miss Foster, Miss Williamson, and Miss Mather Pulpit, Miss Waring and the Misses Buckley. Font, Mrs Roberts (Huyton). Litany desk and windows by the Misses Edgell* Masters L. Edgell, F. and D. Hughes. Flowers were kindly given by Mrs Roberts, the Misses Edgell, Miss Waring, and Mrs Percy Walker, in addition to subscriptions. HOLY TRINITY.—Altar, Miss Sher- ratt. The beautiful flowers for the Altar were given by Mrs Sherratt, Mrs Cham¬ berlain and Mr Day. Pulpit, The Misses Marston. Screen, the Misses Dalton. Font, Mrs Brown. Flowers were given by the Misses Marston, Miss Peers, Mrs Brown, the Misses Dalton. Plants for the windows were kindly lent by Mrs Joseph. * * * FLOWER FUND. ST. GEORGE'S.—Mrs Arkle, 10s.; Mrs Pilkington, 10s.; Mrs Chamberlain, 5s.; Mrs Ottlev, 5s.; Miss Bamford, 4s.; Mrs Wright, 2s. 6d. ; Miss Buckley, 2s.; Mrs Joseph, Is.; spent for flowers, £1 3s. Od. ; in hand, 16s. 6d.—M. E. Hughes. HOLY TRINITY.—Contributions in box, 16s. 8cl. ; special contributions dur¬ ing Holy week, 10s. 5d. ; Easter week, 3s. lOd. j in hand, £1 10s. lid.—A. Sherratt, $ $ $ NEW SURPLICES. A complete set of 26 new surplices were presented for use on Easter Day. They were all made by hand by lady members of the Church in the parish, under the superintendence of Mrs LI. Hughes, and we gratefully publish their names; ' they are, Mrs Roberts (Huyton), Mrs Dee, Mrs Hughes (Herschel House), Misses Burns, the Misses Ghampneys, the Misses Buckley, Miss Parker, Fron Rhiw ; Miss Pool, Miss Shaw, Miss Davey, Miss Davies, Glan Menai; Miss Waring, Miss Ellis (Elsinore), Miss Ketley, Mr James Smith. * * * EASTER VESTRY. The annual Easter Vestry was held at St. George's Church, adjourned to the National Schools, the Rector presiding. The accounts relating to St. Thomas' Day Charity were adopted. Mr R. Conway, the people's Church¬ warden, next presented the statement of accounts of the churches ending Easter 1905, a full statement of which we print below. The adoption of the balance sheet was proposed by Mr Conway, seconded by Dr. K. Davies. After the various items were discussed and satisfaction expressed on the improvement shown in the accounts of the year, they were unani¬ mously adopted.