PARISH MAGAZINE APRIL, 1905. HOLY WEEK. The services during Holy week will be St. George's Church.—Every morning except Good Friday, Holy Communion at 8; Matins at 11-30, and1 Good Friday, Ante Communion at 8, Matins and Ser¬ mon at 11-30. Holy Trinity Church.—Every morning except Good Friday, Holy Communion at 8; Matins at 11, and Good Friday, Ante Communion at 8, Matins at 11, Evensong and Sermon at 7. * * * GOOD FRIDAY. The three hours' service will be con¬ ducted this year by the Rev. W. Morgan, B.A., vicar of St. Ann's, Bangor. The first address will take the place of the ser¬ mon following on the morning service, and will begin at 12 noon; there will be a hymn after each address, and those not able to be present for the whole of the three hours are requested to leave or enter the church during the singing of one of the hymns. * * * EASTER DAY. The celebrations of Holy Communion will be as follows : —St. George's Church, 8 and 12-45, Holy Trinity Church at 6, 7, 8 and 12-15. * * * The help of all who are interested in the decorations of the churches will be gladly accepted on Saturday before Easter Day, and offerings of flowers for the Fes¬ tival are asked for. »5ff yfc 3S GIFTS TO THE CHURCH. During the past month offerings of flowers have been received for St. George's Church from Miss Broome, Mrs Percy Walker and Mrs Hughes. * * * At Holv Trinity Church during the month the sum of 10s. 4d, was placed in the flower box. The Misses Sherratt have given a white pall and a violet burse as an offering to Holy Trinity Church. * * * Dtiring the past month the following subscriptions have been received towards the National School fund by the Rev. R. Williams, hon. sec.: —Mr F. Day, £1 Is.; Mrs Shed Roberts, 10s. 6d.; Mr Dunphy, 10s. 6d. The preacher at Holy Trinity Church on Friday, 14th, will be The Very Rev. The Dean of Bangor. * * * The Lord Bishop of the Diocese will hold a Confirmation service in Holy Trinity Church, Llandudno, on Monday afternoon, April 10th, at 5-30 p.m. * * * We regret to record the death of one who has long been connected with the Church at Llandudno. On Tuesday, the 12th ult., Mrs Lea, youngest daughter of the late Mr John Williams, of Bodafon, for many years churchwarden of the parish, died at the residence of her sister in Kensington, after a few days' illness. She was buried on March 16th at Kensal Green Cemetery, the first part of the ser¬ vice having been held in St. John's Bap¬ tist Church, Holland Road. We offer our sincere condolence to her relations, especially to her sister, Miss L. Williams, with whom, she lived when in Llandudno. R.I.P. * * & THFJ i TEACHERS' CONFERENCE. During Easter week Llandudno will be enlivened by the presence1 of the members of the National TJnion of Teachers, who will hold in the Pier Pavilion their 36th annual conference ; elaborate preparations have been made by energetic committees for their reception. The chairman of the general committee is Mr J. E. Hornsby, and every effort seems to have been made to make the arrangements perfect. The position1 and the responsibilities of ele-