PARISH MAGAZINE AARCH, 1905. LENT. We are again about to enter the Holy Season of Lent, but this year it becomes the Church to draw special attention to the fact. For some months the thought of all Christians in the country has been called to the needs and claims of the spiritual life; this should not make Church people think less but rather more of the great and old-established practices of the Church, which have been helpful to many .of her children throughout the ages. We should all be deeply thankful for the great awakening of which there are so many signs, but permanent result can only be expected in so far as the great and never changing truths of the Christian re- ligion are grasped ; there is therefore a special need for a. season of meditation, prayer, instruction and quiet thought, and by the means of* special services, which have been arranged for Lent, as well as the ordinarv ministrations, we trust that some¬ thing will be done which will help in this direction. It is the duty of all Church people dur¬ ing this season do make an effort to take part in and benefit by the services which have been arranged for them. The special preachers on Friday even¬ ings during this month are : 10th, Rev. D. Jones, R.D. j 17th, the Rev. Canon H. Roberts ; 24th, the Yen.Archdeacon Mor¬ gan ; 31st, the Rev. T. A. Williams. * * * As at present arranged confirmation for this parish will be held on April 10th. If there are any desiring to be confirmed who* have not already sent in their names, they are requested to do so as soon as possible. * * * An interesting address was given in con¬ nection with the Mission Working Party by Miss Gertrude Clarke on Zenana mis¬ sionary work in India, in the Church House on Tuesday afternoon, the 21st -of last month. There was a good muster of the members and their friends, who lis¬ tened with great interest to Miss Clarke's account of Zenana mission work and her experiences in India. ^V- *z* >&< A meeting in connection with the Church Bazaar was held in the Church House en Wednesday afternoon, February 8th, when progress was made with the arrangements. It was resolved to hold the bazaar at the end of the 2nd week in September, i.e., the week ending Septem¬ ber 9th, in the: Town Hall, with a marquee adjoining-. A preliminary circular has been drawn up stating the objects, with a full list of stallholders, etc., which may be obtained from the hon. secretary, Mr F. H. Rees. We are glad to state that additional help was volunteered at the meeting, including the Hon. Mrs Henry Mostyn, who will take part in a stall, and the following additional donations were announced: — Lady Augusta Mostyn, £50; Mr John Walker, Osborne House, £50. * sfz $ We regret to have to record the death of Dr. R. Halliwelh who died after a brief illness on Friday morning, the 24th of last month, at his residence, Holme Lea, Abbey Road, at the age of 64. Dr. Halli- well formerly had a large practice in Dewsbury, from which he retired some years ago, and settled as a resident in Llandudno. He took great interest in Church matters, and was s:desman at St. George's Church. He was buried on Monday at Dewsbury. We offer his sons and daughters our sympathy in their sorrow.—R.I.P. * * * There has been an increased demand for the magazines this year, and those of the distributors who have any copies unsold are kindly requested to return them to the Rectory.