PARISH MAGAZINE, FEBRUARY, 1905. It is gratifying to read and to hear the daily accounts of the revival of religion, notably in South Wales, it is what the Church is taught to pray for and to look for at all times, and what is aimed at by the services and seasons of the Church in .some form or other during all the seasons of the Christian year. That the move¬ ment which shows signs, by God's bless¬ ing of extending, may reach Llandudno, must be the desire and prayer of every true servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. That people everywhere have been too much devoted to the seeking of wealth, pleasure and worldly prosperity, as well as lapsing into self-indulgence is sadly too true, to the neglect of higher aims and nobler ideals of life. A true change can only be brought about by the influence of the Holy Spirit of God. * * * Candidates for confirmation are re¬ quested to- send in their names to the Clergy as soon as possible. * * & The members of Bodafon. Sunday School were entertained on the 30th December last to a school treat by Mrs Broome, Sunny Hill. In the afternoon they enjoyed an ample provision of good things, and the tea was followed in the evening by an entertainment of songs and recitations, at which the Sector gave an address to the scholars, and prizes were distributed to the most deserving for their work and conduct during the past year. * * * The annual social gathering of the mem¬ bers of Holy Trinity and St. George's (English) Sunday Schools took place on Thursday, January 5th, in the National School. Thanks to the kindness of sub¬ scribers and the energy of the teachers an excellent tea was provided. At the enter¬ tainment which followed in the evening there was1 a, magic lantern description of scenes of the war between Japan and Rus¬ sia, the places were described by the Rector and the operator being Mr F. Brown. The evening terminated with the presentation of prizes for attendance, progress and conduct at the* Sunday School, and also prizes given by a friend of the children for best answering at the Children's Service held every Sunday afternoon. ♦ ♦ ♦ BALANCE SHEET SUNDAY SCHOOL TREAT. Receipts.—Balance in hand, 18s. lid.; collected by the Misses Marston and Buckley, £7 17s. 9d.; total, £8 16s. 8d. Expenditure.—Hire of lantern and car¬ riage of slides, 7s. 5d.; 14 quarts milk, 4s.; butter, tea,, cake, brown bread, sugar, £3 Os. Id.; oranges, 6s. 6d.; prizes, £2 Is. 2d. ; washing table cloths, 2s. ; porterage, 3s. ; cleaning schoolroom, 5s.; hire of crockery, 9s. j balance, £1 18s. 6. : total, £8 16s. 8d. * * * Those who are unable to read Welsh lose a great deal. For those who can read Welsh there is a delightful treat which we can lecommend, as we have thoroughly enjoyed it, in the book of his reminiscences published by the Ven. David Evans, Arch¬ deacon of St. Asaph. The book is full of information about things religious, social and educational in Wales during the last century, and containing many graphic descriptions and clear pen and ink sketches of the prominent Church leaders during that period, with no less excel¬ lent descriptions of quiet and useful workers who did their day's work nobly in out-of-the-way places and out of the reach of general notoriety. The book is written in a style which is natural and clear, and though written by a veteran full of years and of honour is as fresh as the mountain breeze on an April day. The book is tastefully got up in cloth at the price of Is. 6d., and its 160 pages are brimful of matter, and though the type is good and clear, it should have been pub¬ lished—and this is our only detracting word—perhaps as a larger book at the price of 6s. We have seen books not to be compared with it commonly offered at 10s. 6d.. but this is a small matter. We only wish that more such books as this were