PARISH MAGAZINE JANUARY, 1905. THOUGHTS FOR JANUARY. Let me Thy inner presence feel Thy grace and love in me reveal Thy Holy Spirit guide me on, Until my glorious goal is won. The year begins with Thee, And thou beginn'sf with woe, To let the world -of sinners see That blood for sin must flow. Keble. * * * A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL. * * * It is very satisfactory to be able in the first number of the Llandudno " Parish Magazine" for 1905, while thanking all those who have done so much for its success in the past, to state that the cir¬ culation has been maintained throughout the year at nearly 600 copies per month. It is gratifying to find that new workers are still coming forward, and we trust that those who have been faithful in the past will all continue as far as possible their efficient services in the future. With regard to the general organisations much faithful help has been given in many de¬ partments by willing and able workers. In the preparation for the Bazaar, which is to be held in aid of necessary and press¬ ing work' at Holy Trinity Church with regard to the heating of the Church and the roof a large number of able workers presented themselves and the number is still being added to, so that the prospects in this respect axe quite favourable. We have still to deal with the all-important matter of Church Schools, which nerhaps has been the most prominent Church sub¬ ject during the past year. After more than a, year's experience of the working of the new educational organizationi, it is satisfactory to be able to state that all the Llandudno Church Schools have fully maintained their effi¬ ciency and usefulness. It is true that the calls upon the managers are heavy, but they have been loyally supported by the friends of Church Schools in the Parish. At Bodafon great demands have been made by the County Authorities, which will involve very considerable expense. The alterations demanded were carefully considered by the Managers, when Lord Mostyn was present, and he announced to the Managers that Lady Augusta Mostyn would bear all the expense required to make the schools thoroughly satisfactory, so as to preserve the schools for religious teaching, Avhich will be considered ade¬ quate by Church people. With regard to St. Beuno School, in the course of the past year considerable im¬ provements were .asked for, and we arc glad to say that all the work has been completed. The attendance has been fully maintained throughout the year. The Llandudno Town National Schools in every respect keep up the high standard by wlrch they have been distinguished in the past, and to the utmost of their ability the managers have coped with the require¬ ments made from time to time by the external .authorities. The crisis with re¬ gard to the schools is far from being over, but friends of Church Schools in the Parish who have so long supported them so faithfully still continue their loyal sup¬ port, and the managers rely that the generous help given in the past will still be given to them, so that the education of the young uj)on the only sound prin¬ ciples may be carried on. * * * CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. The Churches were tastefully decorated for the Christmas Festival as follows: — St, George's Church.—Altar, - Mrs Hughes, and Miss Williamson ; pulpit, the Misses Buckley and Miss Waring ; lectern, Miss Smith ; font, Mrs Roberts, Huyton ; pillars, Mrs R. O. Jones. Holy Trinity Church.—Altar, the Misses Sherratt; chancel, Miss Buckley and Miss Penney; pulpit, the Misses Marston ; font, Mrs Seeley, and Mrs Brown ; windows. Mr Swann, Miss Gladys Brown ; pillars; Mr Brown.