PARISH MAGAZINE DECE/ABER, 1904. ADVENT. We have already entered; upon' the sea¬ son of Advent, and in addition to the usual week-day services, there will bei a special service, with a reading at St. George's Church every Wednesday at 11-30 and at Holy Trinity Church at 11; there will also be sermons preached by special preachers at Holy Trinity Church every Friday evening at 7.* The preachers expected are the Rev. T. C. Morrice, M.A., minor Canon of Ban¬ gor; the Rev. F. G. Jones, Rev. J. P. Lewis, And the Rev. R Owen. CHRISTMAS DAY. Christmas being this year on Sunday, the Christmas services will be combined with the usual Sunday services, of which due notice will be given. The help of parishioners towards de¬ corating the Churches is asked for. Out Monday afternoon, November 7th, the members of the Mothers' meeting re¬ ceived a visit at the Church House from Mrs Williams, Glym Garth, Palace, Bangor, who addiressed! the members on the work of the Mothers'' Union, and spoke to them on woman'® work and responsibility. The meeting; was well-attended and full of interest, and before parting the members were entertained to tea. ♦ * » A meeting of the distributors of the Magazine was held at the Church House on Monday afternoon, November 14th. The work of the magazine for the coming year was discussed, and it was resolved, to conr tinue it on the isame lines as last year. Thanks to' the work of the' distributors the circulation has reached a high point—about 600 a month—and so successfully has the work been done that it was resolved to pre¬ sent each subscriber with a special illus¬ trated Christmas number. Best thanks are offered to those who work so well on behalf of the magazine, and we trust that we may remind our kind friends that there are big bills to be paid, and shall be glad if all sub¬ scriptions be paid, so that accounts can be closed as soon as possible. * * * CHURCH BAZAAR. A well-attended and enthusiastic meet¬ ing was held at the Marine Hotel on Friday, the 4th of last montn*T at 3-30 p.m., with reference .to a Church Bazaar, which is pro¬ posed to be held in the course of next year. There were present Mrs Hughes, Rectory; Mr* Walton Evans, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Wilson, Miss "Wilson, Mrs Dalton, Miss Dal¬ ton, Mrs Rogers, Mrs R. O. Jones, Mrs Peers, Miss Peers, Miss Williamson, Miss E. Williamson, Mrs Lee, Mrs Walker, Miss Williams, Miss Walker, Miss Penney, Mrs James Smith, Mrs Smith, Anstey; Mrs Magilton, Miss Owen, Mrs Brown, Miss Brown, Mrs Shad Roberts, Mrs Nathan Jones, Miss Nathan Jones, Miss Conway, Mrs Dee, Mrs Davies, Glanmenai; Miss Davies, Mrs Conolly, Miss Watterson, Miss Price, Mrs Roberts,. Huyton; Missi Murton, Mrs Eakin, Mrs Reeves Hughes, The Misses Elliott, Mrs Edgell, The Misses Pallin, Miss Champ- neys, Miss Haggard, Mrs Stone, The Rector, Revs. R. Williams, R. O. Jones, and Mr J. H. Rees. Letters promising assistance were re¬ ceived from Mrs Broome, Mrs Arkle sub¬ scribing £10, Anon subscribing £25, and in the course of the meeting Mrs; Wilson pro¬ mised £25 and Mrs Peeves Hughes £5 5s. The Reetor thanked those who were present