PARISH MAGAZINE NOVEMBER, 1904. BAZAAR. There are several matters of importance which ought to be taken in hand in con¬ nection with the Church in Llandudno, for which it is thought that the most convenient way of raising the funds will be by means of a bazaar, which will enable many to give their work during the winter months towards the object. Since the installation of the electric light in Holy Trinity Church, while the lighting has been greatly iniproved, the heat given by gas has been lost, and the heating of the church, not satisfactory before, has now be¬ come a pressing question that requires im¬ mediate attention. The present arrange¬ ments for warming the church have been examined and been reported upon by two separate experts, and whichever of the recom¬ mended methods is adopted it will involve an expenditure of about £80. But that does not end the difficulty. No guarantee can be given that the church will be satisfactorily warmed until the roof the church is made right. Th© roofing as is well known was originally made according to designs used in inland towns and not as required to bear the stress of wind near the sea. The re-slating of the roof will be a matter of considerable •expense. There are other matters also wihch ought to be faced and which will be explained in due time. A meeting to con¬ sider the steps necessary for holding a bazaar in aid of the objects mentioned will be held, by kind permission, at the Marine Hotel, on Friday, the 4th inst, at 3 p.m., to which all interested in the subject are heartily invited, and are also asked to bring with them their friends. * * * A meeting of the Magazine Distributors will be held at the Church House on Wednes¬ day, November 16th, at 3 p.m. It is hoped that all will make an effort to attend. On Wednesday, October 12th, the Rev R. O. Jones, M.A., of this parish, was married in Trefriw Church, to Miss Clara Eastwood, the niece of Rev. J. Gower, the Rector of Trefriw. After the wedding the bride and bridegroom left for Hereford and South Wales; they have both been recipients of numerous and valuable wedding presents. We sincerely wish Mr and Mrs R. O. Jones a long, happy and prosperous married life. * * * - We are glad to acknowledge that kind friends promptly responded to the request which appeared in the last month's magazine for new wheels to the bath chair for the use of the parish ; one friend sent 30s., which it was thought was enough, but the total cost was 36s., and another friend has kindly paid the balance. * * * M.C.L, The annual service in connection with the Ministering Children's League will be held at Holy Trinity Church on Tuesday next, November 1st, at 3 p.m.. A collection will be made .nt the service for the M.C.L. Homes. * * * FLOWER FUND. We desire to call attention to the box placed in Holy Trinity Church for contribu¬ tions for flowers towTards the altar. Beautiful flowers are always provided for Holy Trinity and St. George's Churches, and during the summer months at St. Tudno's Church, for some time past no contribution has been made to the fund, not even for the Harvest- Festival. Of course flowers were given for the Harvest Festival, thanks to friends, and flowers are provided for every Sunday, but it is not quite right to let willing workers give their time and thought to the arrangement of the flowers and also to bear all the expense of providing them, which is now the case.