PARISH MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1904. HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICES. ST. BEUNO.—Tuesday, October 4th. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, the Rev. R. Owen, M.A., Llanrhos. * * * ST. GEORGE'S PARISH CHURCH.—Wednesday, October 5th. 8 a.m.—Holy Communion (English). 10 a.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon (Welsh). Preacher, Rev. R. Owen. 11 30 a.m.—Matins and Sermon (English). Preacher the Ven. Archdeacon Evans. 6 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon (Welsh). Preacher, Rev. W. Morgan, B.A., Vicar of St. Anne's. * * •* HOLY TRINITY CHURCH.—Wednesday, October 5th. 8 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11 a.m.—Matins and Sermon. Preacher, Rev. W. Morgan, B.A. 6 30 pm.—Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, the Rev. J. W. Wynne-Jones. M.A.. Vicar of Car¬ narvon * *■ *■ ST. TUDNO.—Wednesday, October 5th. 3 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, the Rev. J. W. Wynne-Jones, M.A. * * * BODAFON.—Friday, October 7th. Evensong and Sermon at 7. Preacher, Rev. J. Davies, Conway. Contributions will be gladly received towards the dec-oration of the Churches, also help in decorating. CHURCH OF ENGLAND ZENANA MISSION. A well-attended meeting was held at Gloddaeth, by kind permission of Lady Augusta Most}m, on Tuesday afternoon, the 20th of last month, on be¬ half of the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society. A very interesting address was given by Miss Swainson, from the Deaf and Dumb school at Pallam Cottah. She gave illustrations of the man¬ ner in which wio<rk is carried on amongst the deaf and dumb, which, was not only interesting but also full of encouragement to those interested in good work among the heathens. Articles of Indian work were offered for sale, which had been done by widows and girls in the industrial schools, embroideries from S. India, Chopi and Cabuli works, etc. Tea was provided at 6d. each by Lady Augustia Mostyn, the proceeds of which was given to the Society. The following is th ~ statement of the amount received at the C. E. Zenana meeting at Glod¬ daeth:— Collection ....................................... 10 12 0 Tea money .................................... 2 5 0 Indian work sold ........................... 9 19 9 Chinese work sold ........................ 2 18 3 Miss Swainson .............................. 4 11 9 Books sold ..................................... 0 9 8 £30 16 5 We regret to have to record the death of Miss M. E. Conway, the eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs R. Conway, Mostyn Street, who passed away dur¬ ing the night of Thursday, September 1st;, a-t Trefriw, where she was staying for the benefit of her health. Miss Conway had been in weak health for some time, but it was not expected that tihe end was si» near. The many friends of the family desire to offer her- parents and other mem¬ bers of the family their sincere condolence. * * * HYMNS. Oct. 2— 299 189 36 257 546 477 „ 9— 381 236 384 A 386 379 „ 16— 199 183 307 277 184 24 „ 23— 5 196 179 271 261 231 „ 30— 35 177 546 222 176 31