PARISH MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER, 1904. PARISH CHURCH. During the past month the chancel and some other parts of the Parish Church, and also the inside of the new Church Room have been taste¬ fully coloured at the expense of Mr R. Conway, Churchwarden, whose interest in and work for everything connected with the church is so well known, and to whom best thanks are offered. * * # A brass memorial tablet lias been placed in St. Tudno's Church by Lady Le Neve Foster, in memory of her husband, who died in London last April. Sir Clement Le Neve Foster had many "friends in Llandudno, where he resided for over 20 years, during most of which time he was a sidesman at St. Tudno's. * * * The plate has the following words inscribed on it:—"In loving -;memory of Sir Clement Le Neve Foster, D.Sc, F.R.S., born March 1841, died "April 19th, 1904, for over 20 years a resident in this parish. "Arise, shine for thy light is'come." * * * At a meeting of the members of the Mission Working Party, recently held at the Rectory, it was decided to divide the proceeds of the sale of work between the following societies as follows: — Diocesan Church Extension Society, £6; S.P.G. <per Miss Dalton), £5; g\S., £5; A.C.S. (ladies' Branch), £5; Universities' Mission to Central Africa, £5 C.M.S., £5; Seamen's Mission (per Mrsi Wilson), £4; Patagonian Mission, £2; Graham- stown Mission, £1; Zenana Mission, £1; total, £39, The amounts have been duly forwarded to the Secretaries of the several missions." * # * WAIFS AND STRAYS SOCIETY. a In addition to the £12 10s. collected at Sunny .Hill, ISaCiss.Peers, the secretary, has received an extra donation of £5 from Mr Broome, and 5s. from Mrs Heyn, bringing the total' up to £17 15s. 0d. During Miss Peers' absence from home, her magazine district has been taken by Miss Dalton; also Miss Chamberlain has kindly been taking Mtes E. Champneys' district. * * * The Llandudno Parochial collection for the S.P.C.K. this year is as follows: — Collected by the Rev. Robert Williams. Mrs Men-all ... ... ... ...... 0 10 6 Mr F. D. Wills ............ 0 10 6 Mr R. Conway ............ 0 5 0 Mr E. E. Bone ............ 0 5 0 Mr E. Woodley ......... ... 0 5 0 Mr Percy Walker ... ... ... ... 0 5 0 Mrs A. Pilkington............ 0 5 0 Messrs John Jbnesand Bon ... ... 0 5 0 Mr T. P. Davies ... ......... 0 5 0 Dr. Dalton ...... ... ... ... 0 5 0. Mrs Arkle ...... ... ...;; v.. 0 5 0 Misses Matthews and Standring ... 0 5 0 Mrs John Walker ... ... ...... 0 5 0 Dr. Woodhouse ............ 0 5 0 Mrs J. Adey Wells............ 0 5 0 Mr Bonnalie ............... 0 3 0 Mrs Farrington ... ... ... .... 0 3 0 Mr G. Hoare ... ... ......... 0 2 6 Mr G. R. Thompson ......... 0 2 6 ilr Reeves-Hughes......... JK, 0 2 6 MrW, T. Newman ... ... .... .... 0 2 6 Mr W. Price ... ... ... .'".,." ... 0 2 6 Miss Jones, Somerset House ... ... 0 2 6 Miss JEllis, Elsinore ... ...... 0 2 6 Mr Wyard ... ... ...... ... 0 2 6 Miss Williamson ............ 02 6 Mr Richard Roberts ......... 0 2 6 Mrs Williams, Cambridge Res....... 0 2 6 Mrs M. Wlson ..........'.. 0 2 6 Mr C. A. Watterson".'........... 0 2 6 Miss Watterson ............ 0 2 6 Mr J. Littler ...r ..., . ,.....„ ... 0 2 6. Mr R. Vincent Jorinson ... '..'. ... 0 2 6 Miss Hughes, Herschel House...... 0 2 6