PARISH MAGAZINE AUGUST, 1904. NOTICE. .Until further notice, the morning services and sermons at Holy Trinity Church will be at 10-15 and 11-30. * # * TEACHERS' MEETING. The teachers of Holy Trinity Church Sunday School met at the Rectory on Thursday, the 21st, and considered how best to keep on the work of the Sunday School during the summer months, a period during which, on account of special local circumstances, it is more than usually difficult to maintain the work in its usual vigour. We are glad to say that several have kindly offered their services as teachers. The service of all who can help in this good work will be gladly accepted! Flowers for St. George's Church will be thank¬ fully received during the current mont<h. * * * We much regret that the following names were left out of our list of contributions towards the Mission Working Party Sale, viz.: The Misses Matthews and Standring, The Misses Champneys, Mrs Kaye and Miss Williamson. * * * G.F.S. On Monday, June 27th, the festival of the Arllechwedd Branch of the Girls' Friendly Society was held at Llandudno. On their arrival in the town the members and associates proceeded to Holy Trinity Church, where a short service was held, conducted by the Rev. T. H. Richards, and an earnest address delivered by the Rector. After service a good tea, provided by Mrs Brown, was served in the Church House, then the members separated to explore Llan¬ dudno. At 8 o'clock they met at the Railway Sta¬ tion, and left for their several homes after spend¬ ing a happy and enjoyable day. COTTAGE HOSPITAL. On Tuesday, June 28th, the anniversary service of the Cottage Hospital was held at the Hospital. The special service suitable for the occasion was conducted by the Rector, when the Ven. Arch¬ deacon Evans preached a sermon based on I. St. Peter ii. 21, "Leaving us an example that ye should follow His steps." The preacher ending his ser¬ mon by an earnest appeal to those present to support the Hospital. The collection realised £6 4s. 2d. Miss Felton, the secretary, as usual, ably superintended the arrangements for the anniversary. ....... tP* Tr tP" WAIFS AND STRAYS. On Wednesday, July 13th, by the kindness of Mrs Broome, . Sunny Hill, a well-attended garden party was given on behalf of the Church of Eng¬ land Waifs and Strays Society. The chair was taken by Mr J. Broome, J.P., and the Society was represented by the Rev. Philip Rees, the organis¬ ing secretary for the district. Mr Broome gave all present a hearty welcome to his pretty grounds and gardens, and in pleasant terms supported the claims of the Society. After some further re¬ marks by the Rector a collection was taken by Miss Broome and Miss Bone, which amounted to £12 10s. At the close of the meeting all present were entertained by Mr and Mrs Broome to an excellently arranged tea, after which they were shown, under the conductorship of Mr Broome, over his interesting and beautiful gar¬ dens. All interested in. the good work of the Socety can obtain any information from the local hon. sec, Miss Peers, who took part in organising the meeting. * * * MISSION TO SEAMEN. The annual meeting on behalf of the Mission to Seamen, organised by Mrs Martin Wilson, the