PARISH MAGAZINE JULY, 1904. MISSION WORKING PARTY AND SALE OF WORK. CORRECTIONS. The annual sale of work, arranged by Mrs Hughes and the members of the Mission Working Party, in aid of the Horn© and Foreign Missions was held in the Church House on Tuesday, the 21st. There was a good display of useful articles, which had been worked during the winter months by members at their weekly meetings and also an attractive display of contributions on refreshment stall, fruit and flower stall, sweet stall, etc. There might have been more purchasers, but a goodly number attended, and through their liberality the result of the sale was highly satisfactory. The folllowing kindly gave donations: — Fruit and flower stall (Misses Dalton): M. Blood, 10s.; Mrs Arkle, 5- ; Mr Campbell Blair, 10s.; Mrs Wilson, 5s.; Mrs Pochin, 10s.; Mrs Walker, 10s.; J. Adey Wells, Esq., 5s.; and Lady Augusta Mostyn, Mrs Broome, and Mrs Downing. Gifts in kind :—Tea stall (Mrs Peers): - Lady Augusta Mostyn, £1; Mrs Walker, £1; Mrs Wilson, 5s.; Mrs E. W. Johnson, 10s.; Mrs Chamberlain, 5s.; Mrs Arkle, 5s.; Mrs Lloyd Blood, 10s.; Mrs Broome, 10s.; Mrs Pilkington, Ivanhoe, 10s.; Mrs Pilkington, Isallt, 5s., and Mrs Heaiey 10s.; gifts in kind from! Mrs T. Owen, Mrs Moore, Mrs V. Johnson, Mrs Dickson, Mrs Merrall, Mrs Sumner, Mrs Roberts, Huyton; Mrs G. Griffith, Mrs Dalton, Mrs Stephenson, Miss Eaton, Messrs E. B. Jones, Mrs LI. Hughes, Miss Mason, Mrs Peers, Mrs Gooddy, Mr Bowdage, Mrs Wooliscroft, Miss Edie Felton, Messrs Pierce Brothers, Mr J. Davies and Sons, Mrs Moore, Miss Hanmer, Miss L. Williams, and Mrs Davies. Plain stall (Mrs Hughes): Mrs Heaiey, £2 2s. Od.; Mrs Reeves Hughes, 2s. 6d. ... In the list of donations towards the Easter offering fund, given in our last issue, the name of the Misses Crawley, who contri¬ buted £1 Is., was by mistake left out. In the balance sheet of Parochial tea and rummage sale, published in our last number, the item "under the heading expendi¬ ture of £4 7s. 4d. stated as debt on Welsh magazine from 1900-1902, should have been entered, repaid to the bank £1 7s. 4d., debt on English magazine account for the period stated,, and £3 to the genera! account. CHORAL FESTIVAL. On Monday, the 20th, a Choral Festival for the Church choirs of Anglesey anfd Car¬ narvonshire was held in the Cathedral at Bangor, under the eonductorship of Mr J. Williams, organist of Carnarvon. There was an exceptionally large attendance of choirs. The parish of Llandudno was repre¬ sented by the members of St. George's Welsh choir, and Bodafon Welsh choir. Arrange¬ ments were made for paying the railway fares, and the provision of lunch and tea by Mr Vincent Johnson for St. George's, and Mr L. Thomas for Bodafon. NOTICES. Missions to Seamen.—A meeting in con¬ nection with and in aid of the Missions to Seamen will be held at the Town Hall, Llan¬ dudno, on Thursday, July 14th, .at 3 30 p.m. The chair will be taken by the Rector, and the Rev. A. R. Harper-Smith, assistant secre*- tary, will give an account of the life and work amongst our seamen. All are invited to attend. After the meeting tea will be served .at 6d. each, the proceeds in aid1 of the Missions.