PARISH MAGAZINE JUNE, 1904. PRESENTATION. The teachers and members of Holy Trinity Sunday School have shown their appreciation of the work of Mr T. Lucking as superin¬ tendent of the School for over five years, by presenting him with a very handsome Bible on his retirement from the office. The Bible given is a beautiful copy of the new edition of the revised version as produced by the Oxford University Press, printed in large type on Indian paper, with the new references, and bound together with it is the helps to Bible students, The presenta¬ tion was made on Whit-Sunday on behalf of the Sunday School by the Rector, and suitable remarks were made by Mr Whaley, who has succeeded Mr Lucking as superin¬ tendent. Mr Lucking, in thanking, said that he regretted the necessity of having to retire, but hoped to be able to do what he could for the Church in the future, and encouraged the teachers' and scholars to continue faithful in their work- blowing th© organ. The sympathy of all goes out to his father and mother in their bereavement. ST. GEORGE'S WELSH CHOIB. On Monday evening,' the 16th, Mr Con¬ way, the Churchwarden of Llandudno, en¬ tertained the members of the Welsh choir of St, George's Church to an excellent din¬ ner at th© Marine Hotel. There was a large number present, including the clergy and officers. The dinner was followed by speeches .and songs. Our. thanks are due to Mr Swann for his kindness in looking after Holy Trinity Churchyard! flowers. This is the second year that Mr Swann1 has undertaken this labour of love1, may others follow in his footsteps. We regret to record the death of Johnnie Smith, Haulfan Cottage, which occurred on Whit-Sunday, alter a very short but painful illness. Johnnie-, though only 15 years of age, was) well-known in St. George's Church as the Verger's assistant, always present on Sundays and festivals* ringing th© bell and G.F.S. FESTIVAL, The Llandudno, or more correctly the Arlechwedd II. Branch, held their festival recently, and this year BettWs-y-Coed was the place of rendezvous. A large party, numbering in all about 85, coming in by rail from Conway, Gyffin, and Llandudno, assembled for service in the beautiful Church of Bettws-y-Coed, kindly put at their dis¬ posal by the Vicar, the Rev. R. Jones, who read the prayers; th© lessons were read by the Rev. J. P. Lewis, vicar of Conway, and a practical earnest address on Prov. xiv. 1. "Every wise woman buildet'h her house, but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands," was given by the Rev. Llewelyn Hughes, Rector of Llandudno. Much stress was laid on the necessity of every woman and girl, no matter what her station in life, to learn to do some real work, making her amusements and recreation also stepping stones in the same direction, to enable her to prepare herself for whatever future might lie before her and so "build up her house." Before all things each on© must build up the inner spiritual lif© of her soul and "seek first the Kingdom of God." In all things connected with woman's work, to be a mem¬ ber of th© G.F.S. was a great help, for by taking counsel of those older and perhaps wiser than ourselves one received often con¬ siderable encouragement in pursuing the right path in life. The offertory, which amounted to 19s, lOd. was collected by the Rev. T. H. Richards, curate of Llandudno, and was this1 year for the G.F.S. Industrial Fund. Tea had been prepared in the Glan Aber Hotel. The giving of th© cards of merit, etc., is always an exciting and interesting event, and the following recipients were' well cheered as each came up to receive her card from the Rev. J. P. Lewis'.