PARISH MAGAZINE WAY, 1904. CONFIRMATION. The Lord Bishop of Bangor held a con¬ firmation service in Holy Trinity Church on Wednesday in Holy week for the parishes in this district. The candidates confirmed from this p.arish were the following : — Eleanor Mildred Moore, Hilda Kathleen Eland, Lily Lucking, Gladys Timms, Jessie Brown, Edith Bronwen Helstrip, Mary Wil¬ liams, Lucy Cheetham, George Edward Timms, Frances Pemberton, Nellie Winifred Ketley, Margery Ketley, Winifred Dunphy, Mary Frances Dunphy, Florrie Daisy Cole¬ man. Maggie Griffiths, Nellie Jones ,Florence Breeze, Nellie Dutton, Beatrice Ellis, Maria Rowland, Maggie Dearden, Eirene Davies, Joshua. Evans, James Fenton, Sarah Catherine Jones, Mary Anne Jameson, Agnes Hasloek, James Cheetham, Joseph Jones, William Edwards, Edward Davies, Joseph Henry Griffiths, William Edward Griffiths, Ethel Kay, Clara Bray, and Gladys Hughes. * * * • GOOD FRIDAY. The three hours' service on Good Friday was conducted by the Rev. D. W. Evans, M.A., St. George's Church, Abergele, whose* addresses on the ''Seven words from the Cross" were much appreciated by an atten¬ tive congregation. * * * EASTER DAY. Holy Trinity and St. George's Churches were tastefully decorated by the following ladies: — St. George's, by Mrs Hughes, Miss War¬ ing, The Misses Buckley, the Misses Roberts (Huyton), the Misses Edgell, and Master F. Hughes. Holy Trinity, by Miss Sherratt, the Misses Dalton, the Misses Peers, Miss Waring, Miss Marston, Mrs Brown, and the Misses Gladys and Ettie Brown. Beautiful plants were lent for the occasion hy Mr Newman. Flowers and donations were sent by the following:-—Mrs Hughes, Mrs Sherratt, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Healey, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Woodhouse, Mrs Grose, Miss Marriott, Miss Glynne Griffith, the Misses Peers, the Misses Dalton, Miss Waring, Mrs Pilkington, Mrs Arkle, Mrs Buckley, Miss Williamson, Mrs Tudor Jones, and Mr Day. Flower box, 10s. # * * EASTER VESTRY. On Thursday, April 7th, the annual vestry was held at the National School, the Rector presiding. Mr Conway, in presenting his .accounts, re¬ ported that the nett receipts of the endow¬ ment for the Llandudno Parish Charities accounts were £9 10s. 4d., which were dispersed among 41 people, 33 aged people receiving 4s. lid. each and four aged mar¬ ried couples receiving 6s. 4d. The balance sheet' of the offertories .and collections of .all the churches was then pro¬ duced. The Rector remarked that there were some encouraging signs. The debt had been rduced from £112 8s. 9d. to £83 7s. 4d„ and the entire cost of the electric lighting had now been paid, which has been done by the liberality of the residents. The Rector nominated Dr. Dalton as his warden for the coming year, and Mr Conway was eleced as the people's warden. Several new sidesmen were appointed, the list of which appears in this issue. This concluded the business of the Vestry, and in thanking those present for their .attendance, the Rector expressed a hope that the debt which hampered them would soon be paid off. The balance sheet may be had on application to the Churchwardens, Sides¬ men, or the Verger of Trinity Church. # * # EASTER OFFERING. The sum of £32 was paid into the Bank, a cheque for which amount was handed to the Rector.