PARISH MAGAZINE APRIL, 1904. HOLY WEEK AND EASTER. The services during Holy week will be as follows : — St. Georges Church.—Every morning ex¬ cept Good Friday, Holy Communion at 8, Matins at 11 30. Good Friday, Anti-Com¬ munion at 8, Matins and Sermon at 11 30. Holy Trinity Church.—Every morning except Good Friday, Holy Communion at 8, Matins at 10 30, Evensong and Sermon at 7. Good Friday, Anti-Communion at 8, Matins and Sermon at 10 30; three hours' service from 12 30, Evensong and Sermon at 7. * * * THREE HOURS' SERVICE The three hours' service will be conducted this year by the Rev. D. Wr Evans, M.A. the Rector of St. George, Abergele. ' All are invited to be present during the three hours, and those who wish to be present, but cannot stay for the whole service are re¬ quested to enter and leave the Church .as quietly as they conveniently can during the singing of hymns. * * * EASTER DAY. The celebrations of the Holy Communion on Easter day will be as* follows : — St. George's.—At 8 and 12 45. Holy Trinity.—At 6; 7, 8 and 11 45. The help of all who are interested in the decorations of the Churches will be gladly accepted on Saturday before Easter day, and •offerings of flowers for Easter day are also asked for. * * * CONFIRMATION. The Lord Bishop of the Diocese will hold a Confirmation Service in Holy Trinity Church on Wednesday, the 30th inst., at 2 30 All the candidates for confirmation are re¬ quested to attend the preliminary service at Holy Trinity Church on Monday next, at 6 p.m. The Churchwardens desire to remind the subscribers to the annual Easter offering that their subscriptions should be paid into the Naional and Provincial Bank before April 2nd. CHURCH OF ENGLAND MISSION. ZENANA A meeting in connection with the above Mission was held on Tuesday afternoon, March 15th, at 3 p.m., under the auspices of the members of the Mission Working Party. Miss Sandys, the deputation of the Church of England Zenana Mission, gave an ex¬ haustive and interesting address on mission work among women in India. After the address tea was handed round, and during informal conversation articles work made by native Christians were sold, and also a col¬ lection amounting to £1 8s. 6d. was made to¬ wards the funds of the Society. We regret to have to record that during the past month, we have lost by deaths, Mrs Williams, Rock View, a faithful member of the Church at Bodafon, who died on Thurs¬ day, March 3rd, and was buried at Llan- fairfechan. The following Monday, March 7th, Gerald Hirst, son of Mr and Mrs Hirst, Glan Orme, a very bright and promising youth, much loved by all who knew him, who died from the effect of measles at his school, Shrewsbury, on Friday, March 4th, find was buried at St, Tudno on Tuesday, March 8th. R.I.P. Herbert Bennett Gates, of Paradwys, Hill Terrace, well-known member of the L.A.D.S., and highly esteemed by his many friends. He died after a short illness on Friday, March 11th, and buried on the Sunday following at St. Tudno. R.I.P.