PARISH MAGAZINE /AARCH, 1904. We again remind our readers that we are passing through the solemn season of Lent, and urge upon them the duty and privi¬ lege of making the best use of the additional privileges within their reach; tiie special preachers on Friday evpmno-s dnri-ncr the season are as follows:—February 26th, The Rev. Canon Roberts, (Jolwvn Bay; March 4th, The Rev. T. A. Williams, Portmadoc; March 11th, Rev. F. G. Jones, Llanrhos; March 18th, Rev. J. P. Lewis, Conway March 25th, Rev. W. S. Williams, Penmaen- mawr. * * * CONFIRMATION. The Lord Bishop of the Diocese has fixed Wednesday, the 30th of this month, at 2 30 to hold his confirmation at Llandudno. * * * The special services for Holy Week and Good Friday will appear in our next. w 91* rfc PAROCHIAL TEA. Thanks to all who co-operated so willingly at the Parochial Tea held at the Town Hall on Wednesday, January 27th, which was a very great success. The arrangements were superintended by Mrs Hughes, assisted by a large number of willing and able workers, and after the tea a pleasant evening was spent. We have great pleasure in sub¬ mitting a complete balance sheet. * * * February seems to be the month of enter¬ tainments. The English Sunday Schools on Saturday, the 13th, had their tea, entertain¬ ment a.nd prize-giving, the balance sheet of which will be published next month. On Monday, the 15th, the Welsh Choir had their concert, and on the following day, they and the members of the Sunday School had tea and supper, which was enjoyed by all. OUR SCHOOLS. It is not our desire to interfere in ordinary political elections, but at present there is a matter of such pressing importance, to the Church, before the electors that it is our duty to say a word. T^ t.Il L, r..rtant mat¬ ter of the education of the young is the great subject on which the election turns and our standpoint is that the young cannot pos¬ sibly be rightly trained except upon the prin¬ ciples of the Christian religion; upon this principle .all the National Schools of the country have bean erected and supported, and this is the reason why Church people have continued to nia<ko such n-tai sacrifices for the maintainance of their schools. The friends of religious education only ask for fair play, and that they should receive what the principle of justice as well as the law of the land assigns to them. What Church people ask for themselves they are prepared to concede to others, i.e. the right of parents to have their children instructed in the religious principles that they themselves be¬ lieve in. To put the matter definitely and clearly we believe, that those who accept the principles which we have stated will do right by voting for Mr R. Conway, Dr. Dalton, and Mr E. E. Bone. * * * After years of faithful service as superin¬ tendent of Holy Trinity Sunday School, Mr Lucking has felt compelled to resign ; in a very touching speech he took leave of the scholars and teachers at the annaul Sunday School entertainment, when the Rector re¬ ferred to his faithful services. Mr Lucking is succeeded by Mr Percy WhaJey, who com¬ menced his duties on the first Sunday in Lent, * * * ST. GEORGE'S LITERARY SOCIETY. The deliberations of the above Society are watched with unabated interest, and a