PARISH MAGAZINE NOVE/ABER, 1903. GIFTS TO HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. We are glad to announce that a cheque for twenty-five pounds has been received to¬ wards paying off the debt on the installation of Electric Light account at Holy Trinity Church. The kind donor wishes the gift to be anonymous, but is anxious to see this debt discharged. The amount owing has been brought down by this donation to about ■eight pounds, which amount we trust others of like spirit will before long contribute. A beautifully worked antependium has been given for the Pulpit of Holy Trinity Church. This welcome addition to the furni¬ ture of the Church is the gift of Miss Sherratt. The white Altar Frontal, now being worked by members of the congregation, is nearly finished. * * * HARVEST THANKSGIVING. The annual Harvest Thanksgiving ser¬ vices were held at the Parish Churches of Llandudno on Tuesday, Wednesdav and Friday, October 13th, 14th, and 16th. On Tuesday, evensong and sermon at St. Beuno, when the Rev. W. S. Williams, B.A., Pen- maenmawr, preached. On Wednesdav, at St. George's, celebration of the Holy Com¬ munion at 7, 8 and 10, matins and sermon at 11.30, evensong and sermon at 6; preachers, the Rev. R. Williams, B.A., senior curate, and the Rev. G. Williams, B.A. vicar of Pentre Voelas. At Holy Trinity, cele¬ bration of the* Holy Communion at 8, matins and sermon at 10.30, evensong and sermon at 6.30; preachers, the Ven. Arch¬ deacon Evans1 and the Rev. Canon Fair- ■ehdld. At rSt. Tudno, evensong and sermon at 3; preacher, the Rev. C. W. Barlow, B.A. On Friday evensong and sermon at Bodafon; preacher, the Rev. R. R. Hughes, St. Mary's, Bangor. All the churches were well at¬ tended and beautifully decorated; those re¬ sponsible "-- the decorations were:—Parish Church (east end), Mrs Hughes and Miss Wright; pulpit, Misses Buckley and Miss Waring; font, Mrs Roberts (Huyton) ; lec¬ tern, Miss Smith; windows, Mrs Peers, Mrs Edgell, and the Misses Conway. Fruit and flowers were sent by Mrs Pilkington, Mrs Arkle, Miss Waring, Miss Dorkins, Mrs Wright, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Conway, Mrs Joseph, National School children and others. Holy Trinity Church : Decorations (east end) Miss Penney and Miss Owen, flowers sent by Mrs Sherratt; pulpit, the Misses Marston; font, Mrs Brown and Miss Gladys Brown; screen, Misses Bersi and Miss Jennings; pillars, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Dee, Mrs Hughes. Miss Jennings, Miss Wright, and Miss Williams ; windows, Miss Marriott, Misses Margett, Miss Turner; plants for the windows, etc. lent by Mr Swann; grapes and flowers were sent by Lady Augusta Mostyn, Miss Marriott, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Bersi, Miss Owen, Mrs Swinnerton, Miss Waring and Mr Winch; two beautiful loaves were given by Mrs Dunphy and Mrs Swann; sheaves of corn by Mr Jones, Mostyn Street. St, Tudno's Church was, as usual, most taste¬ fully decorated by Mrs and the Misses Dalton. A beautiful loaf was sent by Mr Jack Roberts. ■ * * * DEATH OF MRS. WILLIAMS. The death of Mrs Williams, Broseley House, Church Walks, Llandudno, occurred on Tuesday morning, in the 90th year of her age. Mrs Williams spent her long and use¬ ful life in this neighbourhood, having been