PARISH MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1903. HOLY TRINITY CHOIR. The Members of the Choir desire to thank the Subset ibers to the Choir Excursion Fund. The Excursion took place on September the 2nd, when the choir eajoyed a day's outing at New Brighton ; the day, unfortunately was wet, but the many attractions at tlie Tower, made it a suitable place for an excursion nnder adverse circumstances. We are again indebted to F. Day, Esq., for the interest and encouragement given by him to the boys of Holy Trinity Choir. * * * In May, Mr. Day forwarded to the Organ¬ ist two valuable presents, an Inkstand and a Clock, both in Bronzed Metal Ware, to be awarded to the two boys doing the most effi¬ cient work during the season. Lester and Tipton proved to be the winners, each having secured the highest possible number of marks. After Evensong on September 20th, the Rev. F. Lampitt. at the request of Mr. Day, pre¬ sented the prizes. * * * List of Subscriptions to the Excursion Fund of Holy Trinity Choir. £ s. Lady Augusta Mostyn ,........... 1 0 J. Broome, Esq................ 1 0 Mrs. Hughes ............... 0 10 Mrs. Parker.................. 0 10 F. Day, Esq................ 0 10 L. M. Curlier, Esq............. 0 10 Mrs. Walker ............... 0 5 Mrs. Pilkingkm....... ...... 0 Mrs. Grose.................. 0 Mr*. M. Brigg ............... 0 Mrs. Wegard ............... 0 Mrs. Waring ............... 0 Mrs. J. L. Roberts............ ... 0 Misses Fox & Jesson ......... ... 0 Dr. Dalton.................. 0 G. H. Healey, Esq.......... ... 0 R. S. Chamberlaiu, Esq. ... ......... 0 E. W. Johnson, Esq. Rev. R. A. Edgell... Mrs. L. Willi tins ... T. D.tvies, Esq. E. G.......... E. T.......... Rev. R. Williams ... Rev. i'. H. Richards Rov. Li. O. Jones ... Mrs. Chantry Mrs. Payne...... Dr. Woodhouse G. Rchniond, Esq.... Mrs. Roberts R. Conway, Esq. ... Dr. J. L. l.'avies Mrs. Dunphy Miss Owen...... Mrs. Burrow Mr. Winch...... Mr. Littler...... Mrs. Corbett Mr. G. E. Timms ... Mrs. Bold Williams Mr. Bonaalie Mr. B'ookes... .:. Mr. Winter ... Dr.Halliwell Mrs. Evans ... Smaller Sums Total * * * s. d. ."> 11 II (• (1 «; ■) •> <; ii •2 ii (1 1; 1; (» II l'» (I (1 -» (» (i -> II (1 (1 _> (1 •> 12 £11 ORGAN RECITALS. It is proposed to give a series of Organ Recitals during the winter at Holy Trinity Church. The object of the Recitals is to replace the present Surplices and Cassocks, all of which are in a state unworthy of the Church, also, if possible, to provide new books, &c, for the Choir. The first recital will be given in October, the date to be announced later, at which Miss Claxton has kindly promised some Violin Solos.