PARISH MAGAZINE SEPTE/ABER, 1903. IN MEMORIAM. THE VERY REVEREND THE DEAN OF BANGOR, DIED AUGUST 15th, 1903. AGED 74 YEARS. R.I.P. ————— «aac—■ ■ ii ■ iwOCTas—^——————i * * * ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, LLANDUDNO. THE DEDICATION AND OPENING OF THE CHURCH ROOM. On Friday last the new Church Room in con¬ nection with St. George's Church, Llandudno, erected in memory of Dr. Bold Williams, J.P., Morannedd, was dedicated by the Venerable Archdeacon Morgan, M.A. The first part of the service, which was fully choral, was taken by iiie Rev. Robert Williams, B.A., senior curate, in the church. The Rev. R. O. Jones, B.A., read the lesson and the Archdeacon preached a sermon from the text "Because I live ye shall live *>lso." The clergy and others who were to take part in the ceremony having assembled in the new Church RoDm, the Archdeacon solemnly dedicated it to The Glory of God, and in the memory of Kenrick Henry Bold Williams. Mrs Pilkington, Isallt, then unveiled the memorial tablet on which is in¬ scribed "This Church Room was erected to per¬ petuate the memory ci Dr. K. H. Bold Williams, J.P., of Morannedd, Llandudno, by his friends and patients. Born November 2nd, 1837, Died June 11th, 1901," after which Miss Barker, Plas Gogarth, as representing the Donors made the building over to the Church and formally opened it. The Rev. Robert Williams, on behalf of the Rector of the Parish, gratefully accepted the gift, remarking how useful the new room would be in working the different parochial organizations..He wished to express to Miss Barker the heartfelt thanks of the parishioners for so noble 'v gift perpetuating as it did in a. very practical manner the memory of one whose life was characterised' by great activity and readiness Jjo help others. The furniture and the memorial plate for the Church Room were given by Mrs Pilkington, Isallt, and the flowers ta decorate the room for the occasion were supplied and tastefully arranged by the Misses Dalton, also flowers for the altar were provided by Mrs Pilkington. « * # During absence from home Miss Peers' magazine district has kindly been taken by Miss Dalton. Miss Edith Champney's by Miss Parker. * * % On Thursday, September 3rd, a Thanksgiving Service for the re-opening of the chancel of Ban¬ gor Cathedral will be held at the Cathedral, the service to commence at 2 30. The sermon will be preached by the Right Reverend Dr. Chavasse Bishop of Liverpool. * * * DETAILED STATEMENT OF HOSPITAL SATURDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1903. Mrs. DALTON.—Station, Mr Chamber¬ lain's Office, assisted by the Misses Gladys and1 Ettie Brown, and Miss Aggie Haslock, £1 6s. 7id. The following ladies kindly assisted Mrs Dalton by taking stations and collect¬ ing boxes:—Miss M. Dalton: Station, the Pier Gates, assisted by Miss Farrington, Miss Williams, Master Darrell Hughes, and dog "Titus," £4 2s. 7£di. The Misses L, and G. M. Dalton: Sta¬ tion, Hooson's Corner, £3 5s. 4d. Total £8 14 7 In Mrs Mark's absence, the following ladies kindly assisted by taking stations and1 collecting boxes. Mrs Arthur Payne: Station, St, George's Hotel, assisted by the Misses Scott, Miss Gladys Timms, and Master Teddie Roberts, £3 6s. 6d.