PARISH MAGAZINE AUGUST, 1903. Flowers for St. George's Church were kindly provided by Miss Waring, Latimer House, during the past month. # * * We wish Miss Smith, Montpelier Ho»se, one of our Magazine distributors, a speedy recovery and sympathise with her in her illness. Mrs. Dunphy, Church Walks, has kindly undertaken her district. During absence from home Miss Moxon's district has kindly been taken by Miss Puckley. Miss Nathan Jones' by Miss Turner, Conway Shore. * * * A most successful little Sale of fancy articles, organised by Master Evie and Miss Eileen Johnson, was held at The Rosary on the 14th of last month. It was. we are sure, most gratifying to them that as a result of their efforts they were able to send the sum °f £15 to the Waifs and Strays Society. " It takes a loving spirit Much more than strength, to prove How much God's children, too, may do To others by their love." * * * A very interesting meeting was held in the Town Hall on the 15th of last month, when the Rev. Alan WTilliams, Senior Chaplain at Capetown, South Affrica, gave an account of Life and Work amongst our Seamen in Colonial Ports. Ihe Chair was taken by Dr. Dalton, and through the kindness ot Mrs. Wilson tea was provided for all present. BODAFON SUNDAY SCHOOL TREAT. On Wednesday, July i5th,Bodafon Sunday School had a most enjoyable trip to Bettws- y-coed. Between 40 and 50 left Llandudno by the 9-55 a.m. train, arriving at Bettws-y- coed about 11. # * # At 12 o'clock lunch was served under the trees by Ponty-pair. The afternoon was well taken up with a lively Coach drive to the Swallow Falls, which were seen at their best, and also to the Fairy Glen Tea w=»s pro¬ vided in the Girls School-room, by the kind permission of the Vicar of Bettws-y-coed at 4-30 p.m. Llandudno was reached about 7-30, and the holiday was pronounced to be the best ever enjoyed by all who went. # * # Mr. Thomas wishes to take this opportu¬ nity of thanking all who so iberally subscribed towards the expenses of the treat, and also those who generously gave their assistance in carrying out the arrangements. The catering carried out by Mr. John Littler, was excellent in every respect. # * * S.PCK Collected by the Rev. R. Williams, B.A. Mrs Men-all Mrs Waring ... Dr. Dalton Mr Percy Walker Mr T. Pugh Davies s. d. 10 6 10 0 5 0 5 0 5 0