PARISH MAGAZINE JULY, 1903. His numerous friends at Llandudno will be glad to bear that the Rev. R. O. Jones, B.A., was placed first on the list of those examined at Bangor for Priests' Orders Trinity last. * * * BODAFON. On May 28th a very successful concert was held at Bodafon Mission Room in aid of the Sunday School. The time spent and trouble taken, by Mr L. Thomas in organis¬ ing the entertainment, was we are sure, amply rewarded by the usual success of the Bodafon Concerts. Our thanks are due to those ladies and gentlemen who so kindly gave their assistance and talent, which contributed so largely to the enjoyment of the evening. * * * A meeting in connection with the Tem¬ perance Mission was held at the Church House on June 10th, when a very interesting address was delivered by Miss Moore,—it is to be regretted that so few were present at this meeting the sum of £1 6s. 9d. was collected and a further sum of £1 3s. at .a meeting held privately at Miss Grey's house in Trinity Square. * * * At the last rummage sale of the season, held on June 13th, the sum of £9, after clearing all expenses was realised and added to the Holy Trinity Electric Light Fund. G.F.S. FESTIVAL AT LLANDUDNO. The members of Arllechwedd II. must have consulted the weather prophets before choosing the 17th for their festival, as the brilliant sunshine made the top of the Orme an ideal spot for their annual holiday. A hundred members and friends came from Conway, Gyffin, and Llandudno; and, after enjoying the tram ride, found their w.ay to the old Church of St. Tudno, which was crowded. The service was taken by the Rev R. Williams, and a most practical and help¬ ful address was given by Canon Lloyd Jones, rector of Criccieth, to whom we are much indebted for coming from such a dis¬ tance. The members then adjourned to the old Rectory, where they found a sumptuous picnic tea, which all seemed to appreciate. After tea Canon Lloyd Jones kindly gave cards, etc., to the members, with a few kind words. The following were the re¬ cipients:—Two married members from Con¬ way (Maggie Hughes, Llandudno, and Elizabeth Thomas, do., marriage cards); Mabel Flood, seven years' faithful discharge of duty; Ellen Cochrane, Chester branch, seven years' membership, five years' faithful discharge of duty; Annie Jones, Bala, three years' do. : Mary J. Owen, three years' do.; Eliza Meads, Gedling, five shillings bonus on savings; Alice Jones receives a 21 years' membership and a marriage card in Shropshire, and Martha Marsh, a 14 years' membership card in Leamington.