PARISH MAGAZINE JUNE, 1903. The Venerable Archdeacon Morgan held the annual Archidiaconal Visitation at the Church House on Friday, May 15th. After the wardens and sidesmen had been received they all proceeded to church, when an impressive address was delivered by the Archdeacon, enumerating the various and varied duties of the Churchwardens. After the service dinner was given to the Church officials at the Avondale Restaurant, the usual long list of toasts were given and re¬ ceived, the Archdeacon in his reply to the toast of the Bishop and Clergy said that he felt as most of them felt that there was a certain sadness at their meeting, and when the health of the Clergy was proposed, he felt greatly the sadness they felt at the absence of one who would be with them, he hoped, that time twelve months. He deeply sympathised with them and with the family of his old friend in their great trouble. A touching reference was also made to the loss the Church had sustained through the death of Dr. Parker. On Friday, the 22nd, the Bishop of Ban¬ gor consecrated the portion of ground added to the St. Tudno Churchyard, a large num¬ ber of the parishioners had collected to¬ gether for the service, the first part of which was held in the Church, when the Town Council presented their petition to the Bishop, that granted, a procession was formed in the following order:—Town Council, choir and clergy, singing suitable hymns for the occasion. After the legal •documents had been signed and the blessing pronounced by the Bishop, the congregation was dismissed. HOLY TRINITY GUILD. The Holy Trinitv Guild of the C.E.T.S., which, under the direction of Miss Linnell and Miss Nathan Jones, does so much good temperance work among the children of Llandudno parish, marked the end of a very pleasant winter season on Wednesday night by a break-up party in the Church House.* During the winter excellent work has been accomplished by the devoted ladies, who are at the head of the guild, and the members have been taught many useful lessons, not only in temperance, but in work of a domestic character which will be> valuable in after life. The guild commenced its-meet¬ ings this winter by free picnic to Bettwsy- coed in the last week in September, which was organised, thanks to the kindness of many friends who contributed to the ex¬ penses. In November the guild gave a service of s^ng, was well attended. Its objects was to raise money to give a free tea to poor children of Llandudno. On Boxing Day this was carried into effect. A free tea was given to 75 children, and 54 gar¬ ments made by the members were given away. As an Easter offering the money col¬ lected in pennies from the girls was sent to the Waifs' and Strays' Home, at Bangor and Carnarvon. So the winter has passed in useful work. The Rev. T. H. Richards presided over the break-up party, and he gave an interesting account of the work of the guild and spoke encouraging words to the members. A capital programme, full of good things, was rendered by the members. A capital programme, full of good things, Miss.Ext""& Brown delivered the prologue in good style, and Miss N. Roberts sang "Ora pro nobis" in a pleasing manner. A pretty dialogue, "The Good Fairy," was given in character by the members, and was loudly applauded. Miss Maggie Ellen Jones sang "The Children of England" very sweetly, and Miss Alice Evans recited "It is nothing to you" in a praiseworthy manner. Miss Selina Welch gave a song, "The Gift," which was much enjoyed. A number of members gave a very pretty rendering of the recita¬ tion "Sweet summer flowers," each of the members representing a flower. They were Misses Edwards, Evans, Ellis, Griffiths, Has- lock, W. Hughes, F. Hughes and Owen. Miss Jeauie Davies recited "Innocence and Guilt" with spirit, while several of the little members gave a funny temperance dialogue, "Fetching the Beer."' The little one had been taught not to touch the beer, so one of the them hit on the happy idea of bring¬ ing it to the mother at the end of a broom. The piece, was much enjoyed. After a pro¬ mising viol;n solo by Miss Lucy Joseph, a song, "No one cares for me', was nicely sung by Miss Nellie Williams, and an interesting entertainment was closed by a well-executed dialogue, "Musical Footsteps," by Misses Leech, Owen and Williams. During the evening prizes were distributed to the mem¬ bers by Mrs Roberts, Huyton. First prizes were awarded to the following: —Edith Helstrip, Alice Evans, Ettie Brown,, for re¬ gular attendance and good conduct, not hav¬ ing been once absent or given cause for complaint; second prizes, Alice Leech, Carrie Leech, Lucv Cheetham, Maggie Ellen