PARISH MAGAZINE A\AY, 1903. Easter. All the services on Easter day were well attended, and to all outward appearances there was everything that one could desire, beautiful decorations, large congregations, hearty services, and appropriate and impres¬ sive sermons. Especially was there a large and attentive congregation in the evening at Holy Trinity Church when the sermon was preached by the Rev. F. Lampitt. The churches were tastefully decorated by Misses Buckley, Mrs. Roberts, Miss Smith, Miss Williams, Miss Waring, Mrs Hughes, Miss Sherratt, Miss Penney,,Misses Marstou, Misses Dalton, Mrs Brown, Mrs Payne and Miss Gladys Brown. Flowers were given by the following :— Mrs and Miss Sherratt for Holy Trinity Altar, and Mrs Hughes for St George's Altar, Mrs Broome, Mrs Buckley, Mrs Hirst, Miss Ramsay, Mrs Healy, Mr Bowdage, Master Eric and Miss Eileen Johnson, Mrs Snead Williams, Miss Waring, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Swinnerton, Mrs Peers, Miss Owen, Misses Marston and Mr Swann. Money towards decorations by, Mr Day, Mrs Healy, Mrs Atkin, Miss Ford, and Miss Alice Thomas, (Craigle), Mrs Johnson Special thanks are due to Mr Brown for fixing the screen etc. Special Easter ©ffepings. The Easter offering this year in the two churches amounted to £46 7 4. Paid into the bank, £8 17 6., Total, ^55 4 10. After deducting 10s 6d. for printing, and £2 17 o (specified for the Rev R Williams. B A. Senior Curate). A cheque for £51 174 was paid to the Rector, Six collecting bags nicely worked for St George's the Church, gift of Mrs and Miss Waring, Latimer House. Easter Uestrlj. The Annual V>stryr Meeting of this parish was held at the National Schools on Thurs¬ day April 16th when in the absence of the Rector, the Rev. R. Williams, B.A., Senior Curate presided. Mr R Conway wTas re-elect¬ ed people's warden and Dr Dalton kindly consented to act again as the Rector's warden. Gonfi privation. A Confirmation was held at Holy Trinity Church on Monday April 6U1, when can¬ didates from Llandudno, Conway, Caerhun, Gyffin, Trefriw, and Capel-Currig, received the sacred rite of Confirmation. We offer on behalf of the congregation of Holy Trinity Church, our best thanks to the Clergymen who came to preach for us dur¬ ing Lent, it was most encouraging to see so many of the parishioners availing them¬ selves of the services. Bodafori School. Ext> act from Government R-port. Mixed School. "Owing to the preval¬ ence of epidemic sickness during the year, the School was closed for varying periods, amounting in all to 18 weeks exclusive of holidays. Under the circumstances, the quality of the instruction is fairly satis¬ factory, but least so in the elementary subjects and recitation." Infant Class. " Much of the work of the infant classes is fairly satisfactory". St. Beu^'s fqfant School B. M. Inspector's Report. "This school is skillfully handled and the work well organised. The instruction throughout is sound and thorough, while the scholars are bright, happy, and intelli¬ gent, and at the same time orderly and much interested in their lessons. Drill is a strikingly good feature of the instruction. -Hollj Vpinittj Band of Hope. On paturddy April 25th, the Annual Tea and Entertainment in connection with the above Band of Hope, took place in the National Schools. About 135 children sat down to tea In the evening an emertain- ment was given in which most of the mem¬ bers of the Band of Hope took part. At the conclusion prizes weie distributed for iegular attendance, Miss Davies, Riviera, kindly pre¬ senting them to the children. Many thanks are due to Mr Day and Mrs Simpson who gave many of the prizes, Mrs Roberts for tea, Mr Williams, Cwm Howard for milk. Mrs Payne for use of china and to numerous friends who contributed money.