PARISH MAGAZINE APRIL, 1903. tfottj Week ar^d Caster ©a^. Shall we ask our readers to glance over the rubrics at the end of the Communion Sendee in their Prayer Book, if they do so they find that the 9th rubric begins thus— " And note that every Parishioner shall communicate at the least three times in the year, of which Easter to be ours, &c." Such is the direction of our Church; Easter has always been regarded by the Church as the very chief of the Sundays of the year, and that which is the plain dut3>- of every Christian should not be neglected on this day. But we should bear in mind more constantly than we do perhaps, that not merely one day in the year, but one in each week, is set apart b}- our Church, after the example of the Apostles, to com¬ memorate, the resurrection of Christ, which is after all the foundation of our faith. On the first day of the week, on the Lord's day, as the Apostles sometimes call it, we always find Christians in the Apostolic age, assembled lor the purpose of worship ; and constantly commemorat¬ ing, as a part of that worship, the sacrifice of Christ, in the manner he ordained. On the first day of the week, we read in the Acts, the disciples came together to Break Bread. Never, therefore, should Christians meet together on any Sunday throughout the year, without fixing their niin-s on the great event which led to it. During Holy Week leading up to the Great Festival, services will be held as follows:— Daily (except Good Friday), St. George's Church : Holy Communion at 8 a.m. Matins at n-30. Holy Trinity Church. Holy Communion at 8 a.m. Matins at 11-30. Evensong and Sermon at 7. Good Friday. St. George's Church. Litany and Ante-communion at 8 a.m. Matins and Sermon at n-30. Holy Trinity Church. Litany and Ante-communion at 8 a.m. Matins and Sermon at 10-30. Three Hours' Service at 12 noon, con¬ ducted by the Rev. M. E. Welby, M.A. Evensong and Sermon at 6-30. On Easter Day there will be celebration of the Holy Communion at St. George's Church at 8 and 12-45 a.m., at Holy Trinity at 6, 7, 8 and 11-45 a.m. The Lord Bishop of the Diocese intends to hold a Confirmation Service at Holy Trinity Church, on April 16, at 3-0 p.m. Qrgai We are requested by the Churchwardens to insert the following notice : Easter Offering, 1903.—Payments may be made as usual to the National Pro¬ vincial Bank. -o— in Recital. An Organ Recital will be given Sunday next, at Holy Tiinity Church after Even¬ song. The sermon will be preached by the Rev. F. Lampitt, the solos sung by Miss Hensler, organ and violin, Miss Claxton and Mr. Dee. A collection will be mede towards clearing debt on the electric light. —o— JTfcirfcistering G^ildperj's League. Notwithstanding the wild weather the Meeting of the Llandudno Branch of the M.C.L. on the evening of the 19th inst was very successful. Our President, Lady Augusta Mostyn was unable to be present, as well as many of the old members and associates, and we all regretted the absence of our late Sec, Mrs. Morgan, who sent a message from her new home in Anglesea. The names of 20 new members and 4 new associates were added to the list. The Chair was taken by the Rev. R. Williams, B. A. The first item on the programme was, an all too short an address, to the Members on " Selfishness," by the Rev. R. A. Edgell, M.A. This was followed by several enjoy¬ able songs by Nurse Jephcott, Master Roddie Hughes and Masters W. Elliott, W.