PARISH MAGAZINE AARCH, 1903. "Lent ' We have now entered upon the solemn > season of Lent, when the Church calls on all her members to consider their ways and with hearty repentance and true faith to turn unto ■ God. From Ash Wednesday to Good Fri¬ day the language of the Church is full of i contrition for sin, full of a holy purpose of : amendment and of supplication for new sup¬ plies of grace. The table of days of fasting and abstinence, to be observed during the year, standing (as it does) in the forefront of the Book of Common Prayer, is a solemn re¬ minder to us that the habits of self-control, by abstinence and fasting form an essential part of the Christian character; some of our brethren may ask us what we mean by "fast¬ ing," are we to injure the health of the body? Not by any means; the principle of fasting, as our Church teaches us is, not to purify (or try to purify) ourselves by pain and self-inflicted bodily torture, but rather by exercising abstinence to gain full control over our appetites, to make the body sub¬ ject to the spirit. Whatever means we adopt during this Lent to make ourselves better Churchmen and therefore better Christians, let those means be spiritualised by prayer and deeds of love. Sermons will be delivered by special preachers every Fri¬ day at 7 p.m. at Holy Trinity Church dur¬ ing the season. Also the Litany will be said Wednesdays and Fridays at 11 30 a.m., fol¬ lowed by a short devotional reading. We earnestly appeal to all to make every effort to be present at the services. Friday, March 6th, the Rev. T. A. Wil¬ liams, B.A., Portmadoc. Friday, March 13th, the Rev. J. P. Lewis, M.A., Conway. Friday, March 20th, the Rev. D. H. Wil¬ liams, B.A. (Minor Canon), Bangor. Friday, March 27th, the Rev. R. H. Williams (Minor Canon), Bangor. Friday, April 3rd, the Rev. W. S. Williams, B.A., Penmaenmawr. Eriglisli Sunday Schools The annual tea, prize distribution and entertainment in connection with the above took place in the National Schools, Church Walks, on Saturday, February 14th. Owing to unforeseen circumstances, which were quite unavoidable, the treat was post¬ poned from Christmas holidays to the above date. Notwithstanding this adverse condi¬ tion the whole arrangements turned out to be an unqualified success, as will be seen by the fo-llowings figures: — The creature wants of about 172 children were satisfied by a very bountiful supply of tea, bread and butter, buttered buns, see;d and plum cake, which it is quite needless to say were duly appreciated by the children. Having satisfied the appetites of the chil¬ dren, attention was next turned to the teachers and friends—numbering about 20— who helped, and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves at he same recreation previously indulged in by the children. The room having been cleared, a magic lantern entertainment was given, illustrating all the leading incidents in the Boer War, which all present duly appreciated as could be seen by the hearty applause accorded to all the pictures. The prizes to the number of 37 were dis¬ tributed by Mrs Hughes, The Rectory, who by her judicious remarks, gave great en¬ couragement to all the recipients. There were also present Revs. R. Williams, T. H. Richards and R. O. Jones, assistant clergy, who assisted in the work involved by such parties, Our thanks, which we hereby tender, are especially due to those mentioned above, to all subscribers to the School's Treat Funds, to the teachers for providing and assisting at the tea, and to Mr F. Brown, who not only kindly lent the lantern free of charge but so ably manipulated it, and to those who undertook the collection of subscriptions. The children when going home each re¬ ceived an orange, and all went away well pleased with the afternoon and evening's enjovment.—Signed, J. E. Hornsby, Superin¬ tendent St. George's Sunday School; C. T. Dee, Secretary, and T. Lucking, Superin¬ tendent Trinity Sunday School. St. George's Sunday School ar^d Gfyoip. On Friday, the 20th inst., the members of the above had their annual tea party. In the evening a concert was held, presided over by E. W. Johnson, Esq., the programme was most interesting, the singing exceeding¬ ly good, and' everyone went home pleased with the musical treat provided for them. The proceeds of the concert will be given to the Welsh Choir and Sunday School Fund. Giriderella. On Friday, the 13th inst., the beautiful operetta, "Cinderella," was produced by a number of the Llandudno National School children, trained by the Misses Roberts