CHURCH MAGAZINE FEBUARY, 1903. The reception of the first number of our new Magazine has been all that we could desire; and it is our first duty to thank our kind iriends, 36 in number, who have kindly undertaken the sale of the Magazine. We call the attention of our readers to the local advertisements, and we feel grateful to those of our friends who have supported us by sending in advertisem nts. We start this mouth with 500 copies. —o — ttollj Vrinittj <Band of fiope. On Monday evening, January 2th, about 140 children belonging to the Holy Trinity Band of Hope assembled at the Church House, when a most interesting and amus¬ ing selection of Magic Lantern Slides were kindly shown by Mr. F. Brown. During the evening Songs and Recitations were given by Ettie Brown, Gladys Evans, Willie Elliott, and Nellie and Fred Kitson. Before leaving, each child received a bag of sweets, a mince-pie, and an orange. The Misses Nathan Jones wish to thank all who kindly gave donations, and hope they and others will again help them with the Annual Tea and Concert which takes place about Easter and closes the Winter Meetings of this Band of Hope. The Rev. R. O. Jones was unfortunately absent owing to illness. —o — Rotes. We thank kind friends who, during the last three months, have helped us to pro¬ vide flowers for the Altar at St. George's Church and Holy Trinity Church. The following sums have been received, or promised—A Friend, weekly, 2/6 ; ,Mr. Day, 10/- ; Mr. Curtler, o/-; Miss Penney, 2/6 ; Mrs. and Miss Sherrat, 2/6 ; Mrs. Walton Evans, 2/-; Mrs Bonnalie, 2/-; Misses Champneys, 5-; Mrs. E. W. Johnson, 5/-; Two Friends, 2/- (special Donations towards Christmas Decorations) ; Holy Trinity Box, 9'6 ; Mr. Day, o/-; Mrs. Walton Evans, 2/-; Miss Walton Evans. 2/-; Mrs. Hughes, 2/6. Total, £1 7s. od. —o—■ Expenditure—Flowers for Christmas Decorations, £ 4s. od. Given Miss Sherratt towards Flowers for Holy Trinity, £1 2s. 6d. Spent on Flowers for St.George's, 17/-- Total, £3 3s. lod. Balance in hand, 3/2. The G.F.S. Members Quarterly Meeting was held on Thursday the 8th. Service at St. George's Church : the Offertory in aid of the Sick Fund amounted to 6s. The members met after at the Lodge to par their Subscriptions. The Associates Quarterly took place on Thursday th? 5th at the Lodge, when a goodly number of friends assembled to hear the Report of the year's work of the Branch read. We gladly welcome three new Work¬ ing Associates, Mrs. Hugh-s, The Rector}-, and the Misses Marston, also three New Hon. Associates, Mrs. Nicol, Mrs. Llewelyn Lloyd, and Miss Aldridge (Conway). 10s. was given by the Ladies not present at the Service on the 8th, for the Sick Fund. On the 20th inst, the Members of the Lodge Bible Class and G.F.S. commended members had their Annual New Year's Party. 36 members and friends sat down to tea, and afterwards much enjoyed the evening's Ente.tainment. Songs were kindly given by Miss Jephcott, Miss Mary Jones, Bellp Vue, and the Masters Hughes, the Rectory, which were highly appreciated, all went home well satisfied with the evening's festivities. — o— Will the subscribers to the funds of our National Schools kindly note that the School year ends on February 28th, and all subscriptions should be paid in before that r.ate. Some of our friends are under a misapprehension as to the present position of our schools. Though the schools will be put under the New Act on March 26th next, whatever deficit there may be then in the account of this current year must be met by the present managers. We have already acknowledged the re- • » > > ; 7s., and we beg to acknow¬ ledge the lollowing further subscriptions since our last issue : — Mr. G H. Healev ...... £1 1 Miss Hanmer ... 1 0 Mr* Williams. Cambridge Restaurant 0 10 1; Mrs. Atkins The Sanatorium 0 10 Mr. .7. M. A. Thomson ... 0 10 (> Mr. .John Belli* 0 10 Further subscriptions will be most thank¬ fully acknowledged by the Rev. Robert Williams, Bryn Awen, or may be paid directly to the National Provincial Bank.