CHURCH MAGAZINE JANUARY, 1903. Dear Friends, In accordance with the wish of the Rector, I have undertaken to edit the " English Church Magazine " of this parish. I feel that the task I am undertaking is no light one, especially if the magazine is to be kept up to its former level of general parochial usefulness. The object of a periodical of this kind, as we are all aware, is to endeavour, by recording the chief events of interest in the work of the Church, to arouse the feeling of sympathy and of responsibility in each member towards the furtherance of the same. In a scattered parish such as ours it should also serve the purpose of creating a feeling of unity among the members of the different con¬ gregations. Fearing that the Magazine at its former price of Two Pence has been hitherto beyond the reach of many of our members, it has been decided to reduce the price to One Penny ; at the same time an earnest appeal is made to the regular subscribers, who are in a position to afford it, to assist us to defray the fresh expenses incurred by the above reduction, by in¬ creasing their subscriptions. Any assistance in the shape of literary contributions on matters of general interest, will be gratefully received and inserted in the Magazine. Wishing you all a Happy New Year. I remain. Your Faithful Servant, T. Henry Richards. St. Moritz, January, 1903. —o— St. George's Band of Hope j&rrfcas 'Free. On Monday, the 29th ult., a treat was given to the members of the above Band of Hope, in the National School, the Rev. T. H. Richards presiding. After doing full justice to the substantial tea provided, a pleasant entertainment was given, en¬ livened by songs, recitations, violin solos, &c, rendered by the different members of the Band, viz.:—T. Roberts. R. Kellet, T. Owen and J. Smith ; also songs, comic and otherwise, by Mr. R. J. Smith, Masters Rhrodri, Fred and Darrell Hughes, which were highly appreciated by the audience. At the end of the entertainment, suitable and valuable gifts were given to the children from the tree ; after singing the National Anthem the little ones returned home thoroughly pleased and delighted with the presents received. Our thanks are due to several ladies for their kind assistance towards making the treat a success, but more particularly do we tender our gratitude to Miss Smith, as upon her devolved most of the labour in connection with the tree. -0— St. Seiko's JRissioi^ ftoorrt. On Tuesday, the 23rd December, a Xmas Treat was given to the children of the above Mission Room, consisting of a Tea at 4 o'clock, an Entertainment at 6, and a Xmas Tree at 8. One hundred children at least were seated at the tables, and did ample justice to the good things set before them. At 6 o'clock the room was crowded by the children's parents and a few visitors who took keen interest in the various com¬ petitions which formed the chief part of the programme for the evening. Dr. Gooddy, the appointed chairman having been unavoidably called away, the conductor the Rev. R. O. Jones, B.A., after briefly referring to this^ disappointment, called upon Miss Jessie Gowans to sing the opening song, "The Gift," after which an interesting programme followed.