ST. PAUL'S SCHOLARS' MACaziNe. JULY, 1900. PRICE ONE PENNY. The Headmaster's Desk, St. Paul's School, 2nd July, igoo. I have a word of praise for the school children. On Wednesday, June 28th, a circus visited the town. In the morning of that day, as you know, I spoke to the scholars and told them I was sorry I could not grant the request contained in a petition signed by Standards 6 and 7 for a half-holiday. There can be no objection to a good circus, but we had had a good share of holidays at Whitsuntide, and a half-day after¬ wards. The circus, I knew, would be a great temptation, especially as the other schools were closing, but Only Four were absent at the Circus on Wednesday afternoon. Under the circum¬ stances, I considered this an excellent result, which reflects great credit upon the children's sense of good discipline. So far, Only One Sunday School Trip has interfered with our school work. I do not understand how good people who conduct the Sunday Schools can arrange the trips in such a way that they must injure the Day Schools. And it is all done in the name of the Sunday School. At last, the School Board has taken the matter up, and I hope they will be able to bring some of those good people to a sense of the duty which they owe to the Day Schools. They must admit that the Day Schools are the best friends of the Sunday School, and they ought to treat us as friends. For some time we have been unable to admit children owing to want of room. After the holidays we shall be able to take any children who wish to come, during the month of Sep¬ tember. After that month, children will not be allowed to remove from one school to another until the following September. But after the summer vacation, there will be An Open Door a! St. Paul's once again, because a number of children will be leaving for Glanadda (new) school. It is not long since I called the attention of the boys to The Danger of Thnnving Stones. It appears this bad habit still continues, not in the playground, but after school hours. Windows are often smashed, and the public lamps are often made a target. Boys who throw stones deserve severe punishment, not only because stone-throwing damages property, but because it endangers life and limb. May I again to appeal. to the bigger boys, not only to abstain them¬ selves, but also to put it down amongst the smaller boys. By doing so you may, perhaps, prevent your mother or your sister from being hurt. Put it down, boys ! Put it doivn. List of Perfect Attenders for June. STANDARD I. (on Reg. G. 30, B. 24). Girls—Jennie Edwards, Jennie Hughes, Eliz. A. Caulfield, Gertrude E. Dowty, Mattie Edwards, Olwen Lloyd Hughes, Kate Jones, Annie D. P. Jones, Hannah Jones, Dilys Jane Lloyd, Eleanor Thomas, May Williams. Boys—Harold Evan>, Samuel Evans, Herbert Johnson,. Claude Luke, Israel Mayster, Laurie L. Parry, Henry L. Pritchard, Richard Butler, Willie O. Davies, Idwal G. Griffiths, Donal McSweeny, John O. Pritchard, Gwilym Rowlands, David Rowlands, Frank E. Smith, Richard O. Williams, Bertie Williams, Owen R. Jones, Richard B. Hughes. STANDARD II. (on Reg. G. 25, B. 46). Girls—E. C. Davies, Nellie O. Davies, Ellen Davies, Maggie M. Plughes, E. xVnne Humphreys, Lily Kaye, Gracie Jones, Bessie Jones, Ellen Jones, Katie Owen, Ethel M. Roberts, Jennie Thomas, Catherine Williams. Boys—L. Casburne, W. R. Davies, W. Davies, Teddy P. Eaton, Richard H. Evans, J. Lewis Hughes, Henry Jones, Robert Jones (a), Ellis Jones, Noah Jones, W. O. Jones, Morgan Jones, W. P. |ones, Walter S. James, D. McBurney, Willie Owen, Richard Owen, Robert H. Pritchard, Hughie Pritchard, William Roberts, R. G. Roberts, A. Rubenstein, Peredur Rowlands, Willie Williams, Norman Carter, Robert Jones {b), Robert J. Roberts, Teddy Roberts, Eli Benjamin, Freddy Fletcher.