ST. PAUL'S SCHOLARS' M JUNE, 1900. PRICE ONE PENNY. The Headmaster's Desk St. Paul's School. ist June, igoo. The " trip" season is about to commence again to the detriment of all the schools in town. You know very well how the " trips " affect the attendance and the lessons, time after time, in the course of the summer. And yet all this injury to education is done in the name of the Sunday School. Two years ago St. Paul's School suffered 11 days of this " trip " nuisance during the season. Last summer was better because some good people connected with the Sunday Schools saw the reasonableness of my complaint and took steps to arrange the trip on a holiday or on Saturday. I need not assure you that I have no objection to the trips as long as they do not Injure the cause oj education in the town. At Carnarvon they have made arrangements for a great Sunday School demon¬ stration to be held on one day by all denomin¬ ations, thereby doing away with Trips ! Trips ! Trips I throughout the season, cannot something of this kind be arranged in Bangor? Who amongst the friends of education will take the matter up ? I am very glad to find that The Band still maintains its popularity amongst the boys. There are some, nevertheless, who attend the practices irregularly. Now let it be understood, we do not want such boys. We only require those who are regular and punctual at the practices. The Band has received two invitations out to play, namely for a Fete at the Palace grounds, on Friday, June 8th in aid of the Armenian Fund and also to a Garden Party to be held at Mill Bank, Llandegfan, a charm¬ ing place overlooking the Menai Straits, on Wednesday, June 13th. It is likely that a large number of Bangor friends will be going as it is held on a half-holiday, the grounds command such beautiful scenery, and the place is so easily reached—a short walk from the Garth Ferry. A large number of tickets have already been sold and I have no doubt the boys and many of the Bangor people will have a fine time at Mill Bank. The Netv .School at Glanadda is nearly completed and is a credit to the School Board and to the town. I find upon inquiry that about 100 of our pupils residing in Glan¬ adda and the neighbourhood will be leaving St. Paul's for the new school. I congratulate them all, and heartily wish them success. They are going to a beautiful and well-arranged school provided with a staff of excellent teachers! The playground is very spacious and will have a giant's stride, horizontal bars and a ladder. All the children living at West End, Railway Cottages and Bloom's Terrace will be permitted to attend 'it the new school if they wish, and I have no doubt a large number of them will do so. LIST OF PERFECT ATTENDEES FOR MAY. ; '|j| Standard I. (on Reg. G23. , B. 30). "Jx.. Girls— Jennie Edwards, Maggie Humphreys, Jennie Hughes, Mamie Chambers, Gertrude E. Dowty, Maud Edmunds, Kate Jones, Hannah Jones, Dilys Jane Lloyd, Ceridwen Thomas, May Williams. Boys— Harold Evans, Samuel Evans, Herbert Johnson, Claude Luke, Israel L. Ma'yster, Laurie L. Parry, William Thomas, Llew. Foulkes, G. Idwal Griffiths, Donal McSweeny, David Rowlands, Frank E. Smith, Richard O. Williams, Richard Jones Owen, David Daniel Jones. Standard- II; (on Reg. G. 24, B. 46). ^y^—Nellie O. Davies, Ellen Davies, Sarah C. Hughes, Maggie M. Hughes, Lily Knye, Gracie Jones, Bessie Jones, Ellen Jones, Katie. Owen, Ethel M. Roberts, Jennie Thomas, Constance Walker, Catherine Williams.