ST. PAUL'S SCHOLAR APRIL, 1900. PRICE ONE PENNY. The Headmaster's Desk, St. Paul's School, 2nd Aprils igoo. One of the most important matters which demand our attention this month is H. M. Ps Annual Report. You perhaps were not aware that the Inspector notices whether the children come to school punctually or not. He comes through Bangor very often, and I am sure he likes to see the children run as soon as they hear the second bell. You will also note in reading the Report, which is printed on another page, how much importance Mr. Roberts attaches to good writing and neat¬ ness. Do not forget that a boy's work in his copy-book shows his character. Look for your own character in your exercise book. Mr. Wick ens has very kindly presented the school with twelve beautiful photographs, which have, as you know, improved the appearance of the school greatly. Mr. Wickens is the second person during the last ten years to do any act of special kindness to St. Paul's children. The other was Alderman Cameron, who generously gave the band a treat last summer. Now, here is to Mr. Wickens, a loud cheer—hip-hip-hip Hurrah ! Hurrah ! Hurrah ! It is very pleasant to record Anothlr Success gained by one of our pupil teachers, John Gwilym Hughes, who sat the examination to enter a Training College. He has passed in the First Class, and stands 308th on the list, out oi about 6,000 who tried. He will now enter the University College, where we hope he will gam further successes. Well, boys, at it with all your might ! The boys who work hard get to the top. Don't forget the school motto " Work while you work, play while you play." I have another duty to perform, which is both pleasant and unpleasant. You know that the School Board are erecting a New School at Glanadda, which will be opened after the midsummer holidays. All the boys and girls living at Glanadda will have to leave St. Paul's and go to the new school. A few in the up*e>- standaidsr who are nearly ready to leave school, may remain at St. Paul's if they wish. All the others must go But it will be no hardship and no loss to them. The school will be in every way an excellent one. The Board, in my opinion, have done wisely in appointing Mr. R. W. Jones as Headmaster. You know Mr. Jones, my senior assistant, and you know how well and how successfully he has always worked at St. Paul's. I am very sorry that Mr. Jones is leaving St. Paul's, but Glan¬ adda school is fortunate in having secured his services. ' I heartily congratulate him upon his appointment, and tine Glanadda district upon having him for their first Head Master. I wish to call the attention of the scholars again to The Danger of Throwing Stones. Not only windows may be broken, but persons may be seriously hurt. If the older scholars will assist the teachers by looking after the younger ones, this dangerous practice may be put down. There is a bye-law now in force, by which anyone throwing stones will be liable to be brought before the magistrates, and fined in a sum not exceeding Five Pounds. LIST OF PERFECT ATTENDERS FOR MARCH. Standard I. (on Reg. C. 22, B, 30). Girls—Jennie Hughes, Mamie Chambers, Gertrude E. Dowty, Kate |ones, Hannah [ones, Catherine Miller, Eleanor Thomas, May Williams, Ann Jane Jones. Boys—Herbert Johnson, Henry L. Pritchard, Willie Tiso, Richard Butler, Llew. Foulkes, G. Idwal Griffiths,