ST. PAUL'S SCHOLARS' SIACAZINE. MARCH, 1900. PRICE ONE PENNY. Headmaster's Desk, $th March, igoo. Many events of great interest have occurred since the last " Magazine " was published. Amongst others were the surrender of the Boer general Cronje with about 4,000 of his soldiers, and the relief of Ladysmith. I am delighted to find that the scholars take a, lively interest in these matters. Your jubilation in the play-ground on Friday morning was to be expected, and I hope the half-holiday which you had will help to impress that important event upon your memory. An Important Local Event. It appears that the School Board have seiiously considered the question of opening a Higher Standard School in Bangor. This means that all boys and girls who have passed Standard V. will attend the new school and enjoy advantages which we cannot possibly afford in our present schools. It is intended to commence the new school at Friars which would be adapled for the purpose, and the education given would be thorough—and free. The school would be a boon to a number of boys and girls who cannot afford to pay the high fees now charged at the County Schools. But the matter has not yet been settled. The Board, wishing to know the opinion of the ratepayers, have convened a public meeting to be held at our school A Higher Grade School would be of great advantage to the boys and girls of Bangor—it would give them a better start in life But it would be a disadvantage to our present schools, because it would take away our upper standards who are, in some respects, the backbone ot the school. They give a tone to the whole school. Being well-behaved themselves they give good example to the younger ones. They are good singer?. They take an interest in the School Band. In many respects I should be sorry to part with Standards VI. and VII. But if it is for their benefit—if it enabled them to learn things which we cannot teach them now—if it gave them a better start in life—then I am willing to sacrifice my own feeling in order to benefit the boys and girls of the town. I am ^lad to find that at last The School Band has recommenced its summer course of practice, and that a very large number have joined. I may tell you a little secret—there is a treat in store for all the boys who learn to play the pieces well. What the treat will be I am not yet at liberty to tell you, but I may tell you that it will be given in June, and that the Band will then have a very pleasant outing. Perfect Attendances. STANDARD I. (on Reg. G. 21, B. 31). Girls—Maggie Humphreys, Jennie Hughes, Gertrude E. Dowty, Kate Jones, Hannah Jones, Catherine Miller, May Williams. Boys—Harold Evans, Samuel Evans, Willie Tiso, Richard Butler, Tommy Davies, Gwilym Humphreys, Donal McSweeny, Gwyn Rowland, John H. Roberts, Richard O. Williams, Richard Jones Owen, Richard Bennett Hughes. STANDARD II. (on Reg. G. 25, B. 48). Girls—Elizabeth C. Davies, Nellie O. Davies, E. A. Humphreys, Gracie Jones, Bessie Jones, Katie Owen, Ethel M. Roberts, Jennie Thomas, Catherine Williams, Ellen Jones, Ellen Davies. Boys— L. Casburn, W. R. Davies, W. Davies, Robert Hughes, John Lewis Hughes, John Richard Jones, Noah Jones, W. O. Jones, Willie P. Jones, Walter S. James, Willie Owen, Richard Owen, Robert G. Owen, Robert Hyvvel Pritchard, Hu^>hie Pritchard, Llew. L. Roberts, Abram Rubenstein, Peredur Rowlands, O. J. Williams, Wm. J. Williams, Temple Williams, Norman Carter, Robert J. Roberts.