ST. PAUL'S SCHOLA DECEMBER, 1899. PRICE ONE PENNY. Headmaster's Desk, ist December iSgg. At the close of the year 1899, I am very pleased to be in a position to praise the scholars generally. First of all I have seen but very few cases of lying and cheating. Of all painful sights in the world none is more painful to me than looking at the face of a nice, clean boy or girl, in the act of telling a lie. But, this year, I am delighted to say that 1 have had but very few cases of anything like dishonourable conduct of that sort. And it gives me such pleasure to think of it at the close of the year. Secondly, I have to praise the scholars for punctuality. As you know, we have but very few cases of children who often come late. And when one is used to it, well, it is as easy to be punctual as to be late, and of course ever so much better. Last week a gentleman was telling me he would have to dismiss a boy from his service because, he said, "he always comes late." I am glad our scholars make an effort to be punctual. That's right boys! Peg away at the right thing. Be truthful, be honest, be punctual. Yes, peg away at it. The manly boy before long will be the brave man. Peg away boys ! ! This leads me to thank you for your contribu¬ tions to what is sometimes called rhe " War Fund." Our collection amounts to £4 2s. 9|d. The money, as you know, does not go into a Fund to carry on the war but to help the widows and orphans of our brave soldiers who have been killed in the present war. Already over 500 brave soldiers have been killed over 2000 have been wounded and over 2000 have been taken prisoners by the Boers who I am glad to find, are very kind to them. But what a dark, dreary Xmas those poor widows f death, 'ho shot and orphans may expect. Waiting for the appearance of a husband, or a father, who never comes. No, not even a letter. I need not tell you that they were brave men who obeyed orders in the presence You have heard of the little bugler three Boers and rhe story is very interesting. It may be quite true. If it is, do you think it right to make a hero of him ? What do you think ! Or suppose I put it in this way :—A boy in South Africa was brave enough to shoot and kill three Boers. Not long ago our Maga¬ zine gave an account of a boy who had saved three lives from drowning at the risk of his own life. They were both brave. Which of them do you admire most ? Why ? And now, my dear boys and girls, in wishing you all a Merry Xmas and A Happy New Year I hope your Xmas Pudding will be as you like it, and that you may give a part of it to some poor boy or girl who has had none. This would make your own portion so much sweeter and better to know that you had been the means of making someone happr at Xmas. List of Perfkct Attenders, Nov. 1899. STANDARD t. (on Reg. G. 21, B. 20). Girls—Maggie Humphreys, Elizabeth Parry, Jennie Hughes, Eliz. A. Caulfield, Gertrude E. Dowty, Mattie Edwards, Kate Jones, Annie D. P. Jones, Hannah Jones, Eleanor Thomas, Ceridwen Thomas, Maggie Williams, Ann Jane Jones. Boys—Harold Evans, Samuel Evans, Johnnie Hum¬ phreys, Herbert Johnson, Claude Luke, Henry L. Pritchard, Willie Tiso, Richard Hutler, Tommy Davies, Willie O. Davies, Llew. Foulkes, G. Idwal Griffiths, Gwilyni Humphreys, Donald McSweeney, John O. Pritchard. Gwyn Rowland, David Rowlands, Frank E. Smith, Richard O. Williams, Bertie Williams, Richard Jones Owen, George Mendus Jones.