ST. PAUL'S SCHOLA NOVEMBER, 1899. PRICE ONE PENNY. Headmaster's Desk, ist November, i8gg. The children all remember the school motto. I am sure there can be no harm in repeating it, for it is such a good one :— Work while you work, Play while you play. Boys who will put this saying into practice will surely succeed in life. The boys who have gone to Friars, did they play ? Yes, and they were amongst the best players. But they did not play when at their lessons. In school they worked—worked hard. In the play-ground they played—played hard. The better you play, the better you can do your lessons ; and the harder you work at your lessons, the more you will enjoy your play. But you cannot do both at the same time. There is a time for play, and also a time for work. Sensible boys know this. They work in school, they are attentive to the teachers—they learn. And this helps them to play outside. Don't forget the grand old motto :— Work while you work, Play, while you play. I am surprised that some people—respectable people will insist upon taking their children to the annual fair at Menai Bridge. The fair has improved .much I am informed within the last 20 years, but I am sure thoughtful parents will agree with me that their children are better at school than at Menai Bridge fair. Will the boys and girls who absented themselves from school to go to the fair please tell their parents that a child's good character gets better support in school than at the fair. There is one matter to which I must again refer. Some time ago I made an appeal to the parents not to be bring their requests or com¬ plaints to my home. Of course I am pleased to see parents who take a great interest in the welfare of their children. But I would again appeal to them to remember that at home I expect to enjoy home comforts. This I cannot do if seven, eight, or nine parents call during my dinner hour or in the evening, with requests for information about their children, about the scholarships examination, &c, &c. Once more I appeal to the parents not to detain me on my way to school, and not to disturb me at home unless it is in a matter of urgency. A note containing a request for information will always secure a reply, or I shall be pleased to see any of the parents at school between 11 and 12 a.m. I am glad to find that so many of our scholars like school. We had a proof of this last Friday, when so many children braved the wind and rain in order to come to school. And such a storm ! And even the girls came in large numbers. This is a proof that girls can be as brave as boys. A lady I spoke to the other day think they can be braver than boys. In this case, however, the boys and girls were equal, and they deserve great praise. I don't blame the children who stayed at home, for it was such a storm 1 But I do praise the boys and girls who came to school. Let us join in giving them three hearty cheers. Now then ! Hip ! hip ! hip HURRAH! HURRAH! HURRAH! List of Perfect Attenders for October. STANDARD I. (on Reg. G. 30, B. 22). Girls—Jennie Edwards, Eliz. Parry, Jennie Hughes, Mamie Chambers, Eliz. A. Caulfield, Gertrude E. Dowty, Mattie Edwards, Olwen L. Hughes, Kate Jones, Annie D. P. Jones, Hannah Jones, Eleanor Thomas, Ceridwen Thomas, Ann Jane Jones. Boys—Samuel Evans, Johnnie Humphreys, Henry L. Pritchard, Willie Tiso, G. Idwal Griffiths, Gwilym Humphreys, Donal McSweeney, John O. Pritchard, Gwyn Rowland, David Rowlands, Frank E. Smith, Richard O. Williams. STANDARD II. (on Reg. G. 24, B. 47). Girls—Irene Aronson, Catherine Caulfield, Eliz. L. Davies, Nellie O. Davies, Ellen Davies, Maggie M. Ilughes, Lily Kaye, Bessie Jones, Jennie Thomas.