ST. PAUL'S 5(H0L OCTOBER, 1899. PRICE ONE PENNY Head Master's Desk, October 2nd, iSgg. I have to commence this column with a bit of bad news. The school is full—so full that I cannot for some time admit any more children. There is still room for a few in the Infants' School. You will, perhaps, be curious to know the number in school. In the Mixed Depart¬ ment there are 465 on the books, and in the Infants' 175, making a total of 640. Well, what is to be done ? It is a pity to prevent children attending St. Paul's. You know that a new school is being built at Glan- adda—the best arranged school in Bangor. It will take in a number of Scholars who are now attending this school from Glanadda. There is another matter which will interest you. From the report of the proceedings at the last School Board meeting I find that some of the members are in favour of providing an Upper- Standard School —that is, a school which would take in only scholars who have passed St. V. of course. I should be very sorry to lose St. VI. and VII., but it would be better for you, and therefore I rejoice that the School Board members have the matter in view. The Governors of Friars School offered Oswald Griffith, a bursary of half the school fees if he entered Friars now. But after consulting his parents he decided to refuse the kind offer and to work very hard to secure a full Scholarship next year. Oswald did well at the examination this year. He was the first on the Pass list although he is only 11 years of age. I am very glad to find parents anxious to keep their children in school as long as possible No one knows how much some parents sacrifice in order to do this. Several good offers of situations have been made to the upper standards lately, and refused. Boys and girls ! Don't forget, after you grow up, how much you owe your parents. The giant's strides are again in working con¬ dition and I am glad to find boys and girls making good use of them. Next week there will be a new means of amusement and bodily exercise put up in the boy's playground. What it is, must be kept a secret tor a few days. Can you guess ? Perfect Attenders. STANDARD I. (No. on Reg.—G. 22, B. 30. Girls—Jennie Edwards, Maggie Humphreys, Elizabeth Parry, Jennie Hughes, Gertrude E. Dowty, Hannah Jones, Dilys Jane Lloyd, Ceridwen Thomas, Ann jane Jones. Boys—Willie Tiso, Richard Butler, G. Idwal Griffiths, Gwilym Humphreys, Donal McSweeny, Gwyn Rowland, David Rowlands, Frank E. Smith, Richard O. Williams, John Oswald Jones. STANDARD II. (No. on Reg.—G. 36, B. 48). Girls—Catherine Caufield, Eliza. C. Davies, Nellie O. Davies, Ellen Davies, Maggie M. Hughes, E. A. Hum¬ phreys, Lily Kaye, Grade Jones, Bessie Jones, Lois Sambridge, J. Thomas. Boys—Arnold Dargie, W. Davies, Robert Hughes, Henry Jones, Noah Jones, Willie O. Jones, D. McBurney, Willie Owen, R. Hywel Pricbard, Hughie Pritchard, Llew. L. Roberts, 1'eredur Rowlands, O. J. Williams, W. J. Williams, Temple Williams. STANDARD HI. (No. on Reg.—G. 47, B. 54). Girls—Esther A Hard, Katie L. Edwards, I. Hum¬ phreys, Edith McCarter, Geraldine McSvveeney, Emily Oare, Lizzie Owen, Louisa E. Parry, Alice Reeves* Gwladys Richards, Maggie Roberts, Ellen Williams, Theresa Tiso, Catherine J. Hughes, Catherine A. Hughes, Elizabeth Parry, Alice Parry, Hannah Roberts, Winnie Williams. Boys—T. A. Abram, Robert Anderson, John Bartley, John Butler, William James Davies, David William Edwards, Thomas Evans, Thomas Griffith, John Lloyd Hughes, John Hughes, Richard Jones, P. H. McSweeny, F. J. McSweeny, Willie Owen, William Rowlands, Richard F. Rowlands, C. Smith, William J. Thomas, Robert Thomas, David Williams, Robert E. Williams, Robert A. Griffith. STANDARD IV. (No. on Reg.—G. 40, B. 40. Gitls—Myfanwy Hughes, Catherine M. Jones, Katie Jones, Katie H. Jones, Mamie Jones, Ethel Mary Jones, Grace Owen, Annie Olwen Lloyd, Minnie Rowlands, Mona Williams, Mabel Williams, Ceridwen Williams, Nellie Davies, Lizzie Hughes, Mary Jones.