St. PAUL'S SCHOLAR SEPTEMBER, 1899. PRICE ONE PENNY Head Master's Desk. September /si, i8gg. Now, after a long and enjoyable holiday, we have all returned full of vigour for work. It will be encouraging for teachers and scholars to hear that our boys have again dis¬ tinguished themselves at the Examination for County Scholarships. The following is a list of successful candidates :— Entrance Scholarships Examination, 1899. Boys. Merit Class— John William Jones, St. Paul's Board. Robert John Williams, St. Paul's Board. David S. Jones, St. Paul's Board. Alexander A. Dunlop, Garth Board. John Davies, St. Paul's Board. Richard Williams, St. Paul's Board, Pass Class— Oswald Griffith, St. Paul's Board. Owen Gwynedd Ellis, Llandegai National. Thomas Jones, Bangor National. Ernest Jocelyn Dykes, Upper Bangor National. Gwilym Arthur Jones, Garth Board. Edgar Stanley Rees, Upper Bangor National. John Henry Parry, St. Paul's Board. Llewelyn Richards, St. Paul's Board. Girls—No Scholarships offered. This brings our total number of Scholarships up to 34, since the year 1892, the value in money being ^,280. But now, what about the girls ? Have they not been successful ? They have not had a chance. No scholarships have been offered to the girls for two years. It • is said that the educational .ladder in Wales is free " from the gutter to the University "—the gutter meaning the~ elementary schools. This is true of every outlandish parish in Wales, but it is not true of Bangor. Here, for the last two years—in Bangor of all places—the girls are debarred from the privileges of girls in every little parish in Wales. No Scholarships are offered to girls in Bangor; the "open door" is shut, and the poor girl in Bangor, however brilliant, has not the chance, because the fees at the County school are high—very high—much too high. Our scholars will be pleased to hear of the honour conferred upon the School Band. An exhibition of school work was held in connec- 'tion with the Cardiff Eisteddfod, the most suit¬ able exhibits to be selected for the English sec¬ tion at the Paris International Exhibition. We forwarded two photos of the Band to Cardiff, and the following communication has been received :— Welsh-Paris. Educational Exhibition. [Cardiff—July, 1899. Paris—1900]. Cardiff, 9th Aug. '99. One of your Photos of Fife and Drum Band has been selected to go to Paris. A. TAYLOR, Hon. Sec. It is highly satisfactory to all concerned to know that a high standard of attendance was maintained up to the last day before the holidays. The following are the weekly percentages for the quarter:—88, 87, 88, 89, 91, 90, 90, 91, 90, 92, 927. We all feel quite pleased that the children take such interest in their work and attend so well as the above figures show. We also wish to record our giatitude to the majority of the parents—the mothers especially—for send¬ ing their children regularly and punctually to school. We cordially welcome Mr. W. J. Roberts, the new Assistant Master, feeling sure that he will prove a genial, hardworking teacher, and that the scholars will show him due obed¬ ience and respect. An " Old Scholar" has furnished us with the appended list of boys who won County Scholar¬ ships prior to 1896 :— T. R. Davies ... 1892 ... At the University College T. E. Whitlock ... 1893 ••• P-T- »* St. Mary's N. Sch. Richard Jones ... 1893 •• Clerk at the Corporation Offices