ST. PAUL'S APRIL, 1899. PRICE ONE PENNY The Headmaster's Desk, St. Paul's School. April 3rd, \8gg. The children will be glad to hear that the ' Magazine ' is still popular. Last month every copy was sold and there was a demand for more. tl am glad to find that a good number of boys are bent upon competing for the County Scholarships this year again. They are working diligently and I am confident that they will be successful. They must remember that regular work, a little every day, is much better than hard work for a week and no work the follow¬ ing week. Constant, regular work is sure to tell. The clever boy who does not work may do well sometimes, but, the boy who works hard in the long run will win the race. Do not forget " The Hare and the Tortoise," and bear in mind the school motto. "Work while you work, play while you play." It seems the scholars are feeling the import¬ ance of regular attendance. The week before the holiday I noticed especially that very few of the children were absent on a very wet stormy afternoon. Well done! Every day you come to school through difficulties is much better for you than a new shilling put in your money-box. You will all be pleased to hear that the giant's stride is to be put up again in the play ground. Then, we shall again witness feats performed by boys who are not clever at sums perhaps, but, who show that they have a talent in another direction. Of all the sights seen in the play-ground there is one especially which makes me feel ^uneasy—that is, to see a boy standing at the corner with his hands in his pockets whilst the other children are romping about and enjoying themselves. A boy may work hard in school, but, if he does not play, he will only make half a man after all. I wish to call your attention to the careless habit of some children in throwing orange peel on the footwalks. Eat your orange and enjoy it, but always throw the peel on the road—not on the path. Many people have slipped on a bit of orange peel and hurt themselves badly— all owing to the carelessness of boys or girls who think only of their own enjoyment without considering the safety and comfort of other people. Do not forget—always leave your orange peel on the road—not on the path. Talking of paths reminds me that the best place to study character is on the side walks. You know, in High Street, they are very narrow, and I sometimes see young men walking in twos or threes on the path and everyone who meets them must leave the path and walk on the road. My advice to you is,—whenever you meet a girl, or any person who is older than yourselves on the parapet. Boys ! make room for them. A tramp once met a respectable working man on a parapet on which only one could walk. The tramp stood and said " I don't walk on the road because I am not a gentleman." "But I am," said the other and walked on the road to make room for the tramp. Watch the people walking on the parapet if you wish to find out who is a gentleman and who is not. List of Perfect Attenders for March. STANDARD I. (on Reg. G. 25, B. 35). Girls—Elizabeth C. Davies, Ellen Davies, Maggie Humphreys, Jennie Hughes, Maggie M. Hughes, Gracie Jones, Ellen Jones, Lily Kaye, Winnie Leatt, Katie Owen, Jennie Thomas, Maggie Thomas. Boys—Laurie Casburn, William Richard Davies, Willie Davies, Theophilus Evans, Richard H. Evans, Harold Evans, Johnnie Humphreys, Herbert Johnson, Ellis Jones, Noah Jones, Willie O. Jones, Willie P. Jones, Laurie Parry, Robert PI. Pritchard, William Roberts, Robert G. Roberts, Owen J. Williams, William J. Wil¬ liams, Samuel Evans. STANDARD II. (on Reg. G. 3°. B- 62)- Girls—Katie. Laura Edwards, Edith Mary Evans, Dora Hughes, Catherine Mary Jones, Mary Eliz. Lewis, Edith McCarter, Louise E. Parry, Gwladys Richards, Maggie Roberts, Ellen Williams.