ST. PAUL'S SCHOLARS' MACAZlilE MAY, 1898. PRICE ONE PENNY, ' The Headmaster's Desk, St. Paul's School. In our first issue of the Magazine, I felt it my duty to address a few words to the scholars. Now I wish to say a few homely words to the parents. Most of the parents command our respect for the care and attention they bestow upon their children. But there are a few exceptions of highly respectable people who take but little interest in the welfare of their children. In the first case we find the children regular and punctual in their attendance, but in the other regularity and punctuality have to be enforced. FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR OWN CHILDREN. May I plead that the mothers should, even at some sacrifice, rise a little earlier and send the children to school in good time. Workmen are not allowed to go to their work a quarter of an hour late, and now is the time to prepare the children to fight life's battles. From the habits of the children I can draw a good picture of the Home, and I must say that I have no high opinion of mothers who allow their children to stay at home on paltry excuses especially on Friday afternoon. ' This is always a safe test of the mother's weakness and incapacity to rule her household. May I also use this opportunity of requesting the parents, when they wish to speak to me, to visit fhe school at eleven o'clock, and when they do come, to convey what they have to say in a Je'v words Or better still, better than detaining me during school hours, they might send me a note. Some people are thoughtless enough to detain me for a long time at the door, and some even come and disturb me at dinner or tea. So, please remember ! When parents wish to speak to the master, they will please him best by writing a note, and in every case, when necessary, I promise a prompt reply. Now, I have to thank the great majority of the parents for their thoughtfulness and discretion in dealing with school affairs. It is very seldom we have any frivolous complaints and, with a few . exceptions, parents seem to realise the difficulty of the teacher's work. For their sympathy and invaluable co-operation in our difficult task, I wish, on behalf of the staff and myself, to thnnk them very sincerely. List of Perfect Attenders during April. STANDARD I. Girls— Elizabeth C. Davies, Nellie O. Davies, Eliz. A. Humphreys, Ellen Davies, Dora Hughes, Bessie Jones, Ellen Jones, Lily Kaye, Katie Owen. Louisa E. Parry, Jennie Thomas. Boys—William Rd. Davies, Thos. J. Edwards, Robert Jones, O. J. Williams, Robt. Anderson, Johnny Butler, Richard H. Evans, Tbeophilus Evans, Tommy Griffiths, John LI. Hughes, John Gwilym Hughes, Richard Jones, Ellis Jones, William Roberts, Ebenezer Rowlands, Wm. John Williams, Johnny Uvvens STANDARD II. Girls—Annie Olwen Lloyd, Eliza. Martin Anderson, Edith McCarter, Ada Olive Mitchell, Edith Morris, Lizzie Owen, Margaret Ann Parry, Gladys Roberts, Maggie Roberts, Louise Sambridge, Blanch N. Williams, Ellen Williams. Boys—Thos. Davies, Wm. Buckland, Llewelyn Wf Griffiths, David McBurney, John Lewis Hughes, William John Jones, Edwd. James Buckland, Wm. James Davies, Emrys W. Davies, David W. Edwards, John Hand, Alf. Hughes, John Richard Jones, Edgar Lloyd Jones, Robert Daniel Lloyd, John Owens, Hughie Parry, Griffith James Pattison, Bertie Pierce, Owen Pierce Rowlands, William John Thomas, Robt Thomas, Willie Williams (a), Teddie P. Eaton, John Owen Williams, Willie Owen, David Owen, Henry Jones, Wm. Rowlands, John Pritchard. STANDARD HI. Girls—^Mary J. Butler, Nellie Davies, Winnie Maggie Hughes, Nellie Myfanwy Hughes, Grace Jones, Grace Owen, Kate Alice Williams, Mona Williams, Elsie Carter, Jennie M, Jones. Boys—Hughie Davies, William Fenn, William Hughes, Arthur Plumphreys, Emyr Humphreys, Chas. H. Jones, Teddie Owen, Fred Savage, William Miller, David Gray Thomas, Thomas Williams, John Robert Williams, John Morris, David Dargie. STANDARD IV. Girls—Olwen Daniels, Bertha Hobbs, Millie Hughes, Mary C. Jones, Maggie Jones, Lizzie Jones, Marie Littler, Maggie Owen (6), Jennie Philips, Annie Prydderch, Mary Roberts, Mary Williams, Nellie Mummery.