T. P/vUL'5 SCHOLARS' MA APRIL, 1898. PRICE ONE PENNY, The Headmaster's Desk, St. Paul's School. I am very pleased to be able to say a few words to the scholars through the columns of our new Magazine. First of all, let me remind you that we owe a debt of gratitude to those tradespeople who have promised to assist us by taking, a space for advertising—and paying for it. Without this we could not afford to publisji the Magazine. I may add that they all have done so cheerfully— only one refused. And now, the least you can do is to read their advertisements to show your gratitude to them for their kindness. The Magazine has been brought out in order to induce you to read—read—read. You wish to grow, I am sure, all of you. You would like to be as big as your father and mother. Well* you know your body will not grow unless it is provided with food. And now I wish you to remember that your mind cannot grow without food. And the best foodie give your mind—to make the rnkid'grow—is reading, good reading matter. Ins pitiful to see a person with a small puny body, but it is much more so to see a man or woman with a little, little mind. They cannot answer questions because they don't know things. And many such people are ashamed, because their minds are so little—so small. Now, it is my wish to see your minds growing, growing—a little every day like your bodies. And in order to promote the growth of your mind you cannot do better than read, read, read. j You may read funny books—sometimes. But if you always read funny books,, your mind will not expand and become strong. It is just like the child who is always spending Mm money on cakes or sweets. You must take proper food for the body to make it strong and healthy, and if you wish your mind to become strong you must read .books of history, travels, and books like our School Magazine. We have a school library, as you know, and children who attend school regularly are allowed to take any book they like. If there are any of you who have no books, or only a iew, at home, you have a choice of 200 books in school—good books, provided not by the School Board, but by the teachers and their friends. So now, children, Read—Read—Read. LIST OF PERFECT ATTENDERS DURING MARCH. Standard I. 4 • *<« ■ Girls—Eliz. C. Da vies, Nellie"" Owen Da vies, ElizvAnn Humpheys, Ellen Davies,j5ofk Hughes, Grade Jones, Bessie Jones, Ellen Jones, Lily Kaye, Katie Owen, Louisa E. PSrry, Gladys Richards, Maggie Thomas. %j-Wm. Richard Davies, Thomas John Edwards, Griffith Jones, Theophi-Tus Evans, Tommy Griffiths, John Lloyd Hughes, John Gwilym Hughes, Richard Jones, Ellis Jones, Rt. Griffith Roberts, Ebenezer Rowlands, Wm. John Williams, Johnny Owens, Robert Anderson. Standard II. Girts—Eliza Anderson, Myfanwy Hughes, Edith McCarSSr;" Ada Olive Mitchell, Emily Oare, Lizzie Owen, Gladys Roberts, Maggie Roberts, Lois Sambidge, Myfanwy Thomas, Blanche Williams, Ellen Williams. Boys—Thomas Arthur Abram, Willie Francis Brown, Emrys Wyn Davies, David W. Edwards, Thomas Evans, Evan J. Evans, Alfred Hughes, John Richard Jones, Herbert J! Jones, Selwyn Millward, Willie W. Owen, Griffith Jas. Pattison, Bertie Pierce, Owen P. Rowlands, William J, Thomas, Robert Thomas, Willie Williams (a), Willie Williams (b), Teddie P. Eaton,' Wm. J. Owen, Henry Jones, Wm. Rowlands, Griffith J. Owen, Oswald Roberts, Wm. John Jones. Standard III. Girls—Nellie Davies, Grace Jones, K. Jones, Catherine H. Jones, Lizzie Owen, Kate Alice Williams, Mona Williams, Martha M. Owens.