Vol. XIV.—No. 3. FIVEPENCE. s^ ^c».r.^i!^^ ^ERS1TY#C0U£.V ^^8^ °«*. Contents Frontispiece.— Principal E. H. Griffiths, ma., f.r.s. I.—The Principal Interviewed. II.—The Ethics of Nursery Rhymes. III.—Recent Socials. IV.—Natural History for Beginners. V.—Mr. John's " Mabinogion." VI,—Our Special Correspondence. VII.—A.P.S. Notes. VIII.—College Notes and News. IX.—Aberdare Hall Notes. X.—Societies. XI.—Chemical Society. XII.—Athletics. Literary Contributions should be sent to W. H. Edwards or Miss Maud Lightfoot, and Subscriptions to Bert Reynolds or Emrys Thomas, University College, Cardiff. ------------:o:------------ The Subscription for the Session (five numbers) is 1/10; by post, 2/3. OHAPPLE * KEMP, PRINTERS- OAROIFP. *