'OR SOUTH WALES AND WEST" OF ENGLAND Mr.. ALLEN PEARCE, Maker of Artificial Legs, &c. Crutches, Bandages, &c, in Stock. Lady Attendant for Ladies' requirements. N»t. 7cl—1282 CHARLES ST. (off queen st.) CARDIFF & Broadmead Arcade Bristol. Scientific Eyesight Testing For SPECTACLES. Bonner Morgan, f.s.m.o.- QUALIFIED OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN. Eyesight Testing & Spectacle Fitting I ONLY'. No charge is made for advice. The Testing is thorough. Cases requ - iiing Medical attention are referred tu an Ophthalmic Surgeon. Park Place, (^Tttr*™) Queen Street, Cardiff, CROSS BROS., THE Cardiff Ironmongers, 3 & 4 St. Mary Street Fenders, Fire Irons, Curbs>*- Gas-fittings, Lamps, Stoves, Sfc, At our "Well-known Low Prices. Catalogue free on application. . . . ^\) PRICE: TWOPENCE. Volume 2.-No.