THE — i"i si TREFECCA^ H MAGAZINE, M ,;„Vol II. | MIDSUMMER, 1900. | No. 3. Contents. Adgofion Efrydiaeth....... Oriel Ein Harwyr «, Dygwyl Dewi at Trefecca. T.D.G. Taith i'r Bala. Nantlais. Education—A Contemplation. Clio. Query : A Study ...... Our Bala Letter. W.F.P. ... Literary and Debating Society Nodion ......... 49 56 58 60 63 65 66 68 71 Price Twopence. Postage Extra. Contributions to be addressed to the Editorial Secretary ; Orders, &c, to the Publishing Secretary, Trefecca, Talgarth. Published by the Publishing Secretary, Trefecca, Talgarth. Printed by Tom J. Davies, Emlyn Office, Treorchy.