■jk^J&W-^fl Vol. I.] FIRST OF JULY, 1899. [No 3./ THE -B» Ittfrwa apatite ENLARGED. Contents, My First Service. F. W. C..... A Reverie. J. Jenkins........ Y Myfyrwyr a Chylchoedd y Coleg .... The Amalgamation Question. J. Badham Adieu Trefecca .... .... Ex Camera ... ..... .... Ex Cathedra .... .... ___ Old Students' Notes M. H. J Cricket .... . , . .... ___ 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 3i Published bv E. W. Evans, ' Goleuad' Office, Dolgelley, AND BV THE PUBLISHING SECRETARY, TREFECCA COLLEGE, TALGARTH. Contributions to he addressed to the* Editors,, Trefecca, Talgarth.