f;j Vol. I.] MAY-DAY, 1899. [No. 2. -«- THE -H~ irdter CW P^g) (^ llii^lil/V, ENLARGED. Hoelion wedi eu sicrhau. Gymdeithasfa .. Contents. Gan nifer o Gyn-Lywyddion y In Memoriam T. E. E. Prof. Young Evans .. Gwyl Dewi yn Nhrefecca. W. Arthney Jones Going away. J. Talog Davies ...... The Amalgamation Question. E. A. Hughes .. A Little Leaven. T. Howat........ Our Pulpit—To-d.*y and To-morrow. P. Hughes Ex Cathedra... ___ ----- ----- The Literary and Debating Society ___ Missionary Band .... .... .... Old Students' Notes............... .. 9 11 .. 12 .. 12 •■ 13 .. 14 -Griffiths .. .. 16 .. 17 .. 19 .. 20 .. 20 Published by E. W. Evans, 'Goleuad' Office, Dolgelley, and by the Publishing Secretary, Trefecca College, Talgarth. Contributions to be addressed to the Editors, Trefecca, Talgarth.