■;r7mwr THE A ' MONTHLY MAGAZINE ? MONMOUTHSHIRE AND SOUTH WALES. Edited by The Rev. J, I, DAVIES, M.A., The College, Pontypool, 5. OCTOBER. 1892. 002<rn?3rjls; 17S Our Missionary Centenary Poetry: Jub. for To-day. By the Editor. By Rev. F. A. Rees. by Rev. D. M. Davies, B.A. Words to Children About r sibling. Interna- •cal Lessons monmouti hire welsh baptist association. t h e c hil d r e n' s c o k n e k. Denominational Intelligence Miscellaneous. Gems from Secker .... Bey Ry. A. T. Jones. Pontypool : HUGHES & SON. PK1N1 ERS, LITHOGRAPHERS. &e, PRICE ONE PENNY.