CYF. V.] . [BHIF 3. Mehefin, Gorphenaf ag Awst. 1902. ME fflÖI w:m ÎU SÌäSM g^Çoeôòtaò %$voaxUxot CYLCHDAITH y WYDDGRUG PBIS DWY GEINIOG. (Trtüca*, (Bcntô' |tlcvcct% îU-npct*, íabicô1 (Otttftttcv« Mantles, Jackets. Capes, Waterproofs, Shawls, Skirts. Hosiery, Gloves," Laees, Silks, Veilings, Ribbons. ^i' C.B.", Y <£ N, "F1TUU, and all leading mules of Corseis alicays in Stocìi. GEWTS' I „„ „ SPECIAL3TY:-, ^ MADE ^ 0RDER £2 2s. Od. Fit & Style Guaranteed- Patterns 011 applieation. FUNERALS FURNISHED-IVTODERATE CHARGES. Koieti, «*«..-40, KiCK STRELT, Ml ütllìòìinntg : CYHOEDDWYD GAN CAYLN EYANS ARGRAIFWD G \N JAS. IH'GHES, HEOI-'NEWYDD, WYDDGRUG. i'f' ìi