Y Cerddor.' Ionawr laf, 1900. Dedicated to Miss Frances Rees. "Newid cywair." ( "de/ianye of áey.") CYDGAN. CHORUS. Geiriau Cymraeg gan Elfed. English Ŵords by Bryceson Treharne. doh G. Allegretto. S. 1 S. 2 C. Five bars Instrumental. Wrexham: HUGHES & SON, Publishers. PP poco staccato. m .r :d Mae y dòn uP .t, the :1, shore the S .1 daw - el, t, i :s .r daw - el, :n .ti waves are creep - mg, Bryceson Treharne. n .r Tra la d .t, Tra la .m la .d la s ,1 .s ,r :s Tralala la la, t, :- la, n, ,s, .n, ,s, :d Tra la la la la, Trala la la la, PP s, .f, :r, •fi Nid oes gwni - wl O'er 1 —= the skies the m .r :d .m Ni - nau'n gad - ael Glid-ing from the d .t, :1, .d Ni - nau'n gad - ael From the vales of :s, .ftei gad - ael vales of pi, .Si :d .Si ar y gor - wel, clouds are fleet - ing, S .1 Cym-ru vales of t, . Cym • sad t, • Cym • sad :s .n lon - ydd, sad - ness, :t, . ru, ness, :n, ru, ness, s. •f, :r, i, Tra la lu la Tra Za /« la m .r :d .n Ani ar - dal - au To fresh pas - tures d .ti :l,,li -d ,d , Am ar - dalaunewydd, , To freshpasturesfiirdwith :s, .fe, Cym - rn filled with D.t. s ,1 ,s ,pi :s .tpi' new-ydd, new - ydd, fill'd tcith glad - ness, t, . :t, . new - ydd, glad - ness, t, . :n, lon - ydd, glad - ness, cres....... pi' :- Tra Tra, $c. rese,t .l,se :1 ,d' .t ,1 Tra la la la la la la la, Tra, §e. fe,t, ,r .d ,t, :d ,pi .r ,d Tra la la la la la la la, Tra, $e. :- ,r' .d' ,1 la la la se ,t .1 ,se :1 Tralala la la, t, ,r .d ,t, :l,,t, .d ,r Tralala la la la la la mf s ,1 .t ,d' :r' la la la la la Tra Pl Tra .fe la .r la :f la .,s la .f la :d ,t, .1, ,t| la la la la dim. e poco rall_ f.G. -==rr^ _ la. mt, la dS, la :r la :t, la :f la. :r la. p Andante. s :1 :-.n|s : Ser - en loy Gleam - ing star :- ls w, light, | :r :pi |f :n :r Ser-en loy - w, | :t, :d |r :d :t, Gleaming star - light, s :1 :-.pi|s drwy y nos, through thc night, "YCerddor," Rhif XJJ. | :r :pi |f :n :r drwy y nos, ! | :t, :d |r :d :t, throì the night, H.N., 4c; Sol-ffa, lc.